Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 128,277,782 Issue: 261 | 13th day of Collecting, Y8
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In Praise of the Unpainted Pet

In fact, just how many Neopians sit down with their pets before painting them and discuss the pitfalls of what their new color will be? A pet should have a say in such a total and permanent change.

by _tangerina_
Seven 'Great' Tactics To Get A Faerie Quest

Their effectiveness may vary depending on what type of faerie you try*. So, here are some great** tactics for getting a quest, and what may come of them!

by wascoolest123
The Petpet Awards Ceremony

Ladies and gentlemen. Please take your seats. Thank you for coming today for the 5th annual PAC (Petpet Awards Ceremony)...

by machoman3
20 Ways To Make Neopets More Fun

1. Paint all Neopets chocolate. It's just so obvious. I mean, pets and chocolate are great separately, but when put together, my gosh have you got yourself a combination!

by torturerose
Travelling to Shenkuu?

An eye-opener for those travelling to the land of Shenkuu.

by doorbell_dog

No one is taking the time to eat well and look after themselves because they're too busy playing Yooyuball, exploring new continents, fighting in the Battledome and gambling. When your schedule is so hectic, it's easy to give up on nutrition and grab the nearest thing at hand.

by demonlightreal
Five Years of Food Club

After my daily visit to Krawk Island to support my favorite Food Club pirate (and hopefully collecting big winnings), I was lucky enough to get an interview with him. Of course, he's none other than the only Scorchio pirate in Food Club, The Tailhook Kid.

by blackcairn
A Day in the Life: A Pet Personality Quiz

Have you ever wondered what you would be like if you were a Neopet? Then this is the right quiz for you!

by buggybounce
Out of the Storm and into the Hot Seat

Hoban the Navigator is definitely the man, or should we say, Aisha of the moment since the great search and rescue mission mounted by millions of concerned Neopians concluded recently...

by negative_feedback
Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Kadoaties

Have you ever wondered what goes on in a Kadoatie's mind? Are they really plotting against all of the other petpets to be the cutest in all of Neopia? Do they seriously need to be fed every thirty minutes or so? Oh, and the most important question of them all...

by thisillusionoflove
Chocolate Neopet Care Guide

To be a chocolate Neopet owner you have to have the right tools for the job. You will just need 10 simple items to help your sweet Neopet survive this world full of hungry Neopets.

by mythol3025
It's OK to be a Pack Rat!

Once most people have earned the Pack Rat avatar and filled their Safety Deposit Box with inexpensive items, they empty it all back out and make a profit. This article isn't about that. This is for the people who keep everything.

by meluvsasami
Search the Neopian Times


"The Secret Life of Sophie the Swamp Witch" by lindortruffle
"My, I haven't seen you around here in a while. Told me you didn't like being seen in public, you did, what with all your crazy fans and all. So, why are you here? Surely the great Sophie didn't just fancy a walk through the neighborhood, now did you?" Edna laughed harshly...

Other Stories


Some Kind of Sandwich?
I only had a limited amount of time here, and I needed to see what Turmac Roll was. Was it some kind of sandwich, perhaps?

by ishmalian42


Friday the 13th
"GUESS WHAT DAY IT IS! It's Friday the 13th! Let's tell scary stories and roast marshmallows and-"

by fairiesrus5


They'll Never Hear a Word We Say: Part Eight
As they were strolling down the aisles of the Food Store, Mel had been trying to pluck up the courage to ask her owner something she was dying to know...

by sytra


Beauty of the Snow: Part Five
They bought a thick jacket for her; though at first it seemed much too warm, as they proceeded back to Inga's apartment Lia found herself getting colder and colder, until she was shivering even with the coat...

by extreme_fj0rd


Blue Dice-A-Roo!
So that's where the meepits get their reinforcements from! =o

by soggy_cardboard


Daily Dose - Snowager Alert!
How do you steal from the Snowager while he is awake?

by autoc007

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