Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 177,117,134 Issue: 320 | 30th day of Storing, Y9
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Faerie Cloud Racers Uber Guide

In the game Faerie Cloud Racers, you play as a faerie, flying over Faerieland...

by skittlesrock10292
The Official Neoquest II Survival Guide for Monsters

The first thing you'll need to do is to get some decent skills. First, you should probably invest in Critical Attacks.

by blahbletybleebloobla
Go From An Unhappy Pet To A Happy One!

Is your pet down in the blues and you don't know what to do? Well, I have the answer for you!!

by softball_pitch
Advanced Chemistry for Beginners

This Ixi will tell you all you need to know (or maybe one important thing) about this thing called Chemistry for Beginners!

Also by zewq

by rest_in_boredom

Muffins vs. Cupcakes: THE SHOWDOWN

Most people don't think muffins and cupcakes hurt when they are thrown at you. But they do. Trust me, I know.

by purple_girl253
Gift Giving Ideas for the Month of Celebrating

10 Ideas for what you can do for gifts during the Month of Celebrating

by shakinheadtotoe
The Total Terror Mountain Guide

This guide to Terror Mountain will tell you about EVERYTHING there is to know about Neopia's best (and most freezing) destination.

by emilia444_69
Best Winter Vacation Spots

So then, where can a bored Neopian go to get away from the stresses of home? What land makes a good vacation spot this dismal time of year?

by sunlight_phoenix
Winter Wonders—Planning Your Best Holiday Yet!

Consider yourself stress-free, heading towards a vacation you deserve, while your Neopets enjoy their best holiday season yet!

by evie_firebolt
A Guide to Holiday Shopping

A complete gift-buying guide for those gift-buying challenged.

by frycook4
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"Not So Beautiful Revenge" by liannachick
"Take this, my dear Vira," I said, madness taking over my voice. I handed her the mirror, cherishing the feel of the wretched object leaving me forever. "Look into the mirror, Vira! Look into the mirror and see true beauty!"

Other Stories


Love, Imagined
Like the cold blade of a knife, a new sound pierced the air, carrying dimly up the staircase and through the open door...

by reggieman721


"...Strange to see someone like you here..."

by laurel146


The Atlas Saga, Book One - Return to Neopia: Part Four
"Sloth? Dr. Frank Sloth? He's behind this?"

by spiderboy9115


Tales of Dark Mountain: Moonlight - Part Three
A question burned in Alex's mind. He wanted to know something. "Mom," he began, "I want to know the truth..."

by kaylamdal111112


Random Can, The Face Mask
It's terrifying!

by straight_up1


The Valley of Spam
Sweet Revenge

by chichikokoyamma

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