 | My Top 10 Tips to Get Into the Caption ContestSo, you like the Caption Contest? You think it is the bee's knees, the Elephante's instep or the cat's pajamas?! It is your ultimate goal in Neopia to win it?! Wow. Okay, calm down...
by sugarypixiestix2 |  | The Neopets Poetry Contest GuideWhere to find inspiration for your attempt at Neopian poetry? Anywhere around the site, of course.
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by anjie |  | Neopian Times: the History of 350 IssuesIt has been documenting and giving stories including all of the greatest Neopets events, modules, pets, and activities from almost the very beginning...
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by ridiculer |  | White Weewoos: The TruthThat's not all. The look in its eyes is the ultimate proof of its evilness. They say that the eyes are the window to the mind, and it's true...
by neogal_anu |  | Your White Weewoo and YouWhite Weewoos aren't at all difficult to manage, and they're lovely singers.
by doopingla |  | What Kind of Weewoo Are You?To celebrate the 350th issue of the Neopian Times, I've created a quiz to help you find out which Weewoo you are.
by confiserie |  | How to Maintain NeofriendshipsRegardless of who requested who or how the acquaintance came about, we find ourselves in situations where we haven't heard from our neofriends in ages...
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by cyniska |  | Wee... what?The reason for my urgent wish to leave the future? Weepits had taken over Neopia!
Weepit Art by musiclives2001
Fearsome image of Dr. Sloth by pacmanite
by danman111111 |  | 35.0 Little Known Facts About the Altador Cup11. The Altador Cup Quiz is an elaborate plot designed by TNT to control the minds of all Neopians.
by i_like_trains_ |  | The Art Gallery - Tricks of the TradeThe Art Gallery Contest! Hidden in the depths of the Art Center's catacombs, artists of all ages and skill levels gather to show their finest arts in hopes of winning this coveted prize.
by shaddykins |  | Treats on a BudgetWith no omelette or soup involved, here are some ways Your pets can be spoilt every day.
by rainbow_daydreamer |  | It’s a Weewoo Delivery!Good day, Woo; let us get straight into the point. With the increasing Neopian population, and demand for the Neopian Times, how do you make your deliveries?
by lemonlovingcutie |  | Wahoo! Neopian Times is 350!Welcome to The Neopian Times milestone 350th edition celebration! All editions are special, but some are more special than others.
by purplepassiony2k |  | The Old Neopian's Guide to the New NeopiaFor any of the other veterans who've been flung kicking and screaming back into the world of Neopets, I intend to summarize all the changes that make Neo-Neopia what it is today.
by too_kule |  | Dear Crabby: I Hate You AllApparently this week is Issue 350, and according to my editor, that's some big event. All of the columnists are supposed to write celebration-themed articles. To this I say, "Pbbbth."
by dan4884 |  | Three Keys to Unlocking the Number Six AvatarA majority of Neopians are blinded, thinking that earning the necessary Neopoints is nearly impossible -- when the reality is exactly the opposite...
by imsleepingbeauty |  | A Look in Neopian HistoryStepping into the past, we will re-live some of the greatest moments in Neopian History and celebrate the countless Neopian achievements...
by leonardodavinci276 |  | Why YOU Should Write for the Neopian TimesBut why exactly do these NT writers continually get works published in the NT? Surely it's not just their love for Neopia, right?
by ummagine3284 |  | Altador Cup Scenes: Swallowed by the Black HoleHonestly, having nine players against me on the field, instead of five, is a horrible hassle. No one trusts me...
by mazoku_kuiin |  | The Altador Cup and Good SportsmanshipBeing polite will bring you a long way, and there is no reason to upset people when you can say the same thing in a polite way, keeping everyone happy. If you are looking to meet new friends during the Cup, then your chances will also increase if you just remember to speak nicely to people.
by thybo_rikke |  | So You Want To Be a Writer?The first step to becoming a writer is learning what a story is so you can create your own.
by micrody |  | Newspapers Across NeopiaWell, I can tell you right now that the Neopian Times is the only Neopian Times in existence- however, it is not the only newspaper on Neopia.
by silent_snow |
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Headlines "350 Days Of My Deepest Desires" by ayame_23 "Feel free to go. I'll see you again tonight after sunset," Nyx addressed his lamp. The purple fish peered up at him with gratitude, and, in a fluid motion, its large mouth closed, sealing away its rather sharp-looking teeth, and its light blinked out. With that, the small creature turned and swam off, disappearing through Nyx's home as it swam for the door. Nyx waited until his lamp had vanished from view, and then he released a sigh. He didn't bother to turn and try plumping up his pillowfish again...
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The Night of Nothing: Part Four "Thank you for releasing... what?" The Faerie looked confused. "But you captured me! No blessing for you!" The Faerie tapped Balthazar's nose with her wand, and it burst into flames...
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by water_park1993 |