Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 175,202,438 Issue: 368 | 14th day of Storing, Y10
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Advanced Stocking Techniques Part 2

Why do we diversify? Or more importantly, what is diversification?

by kevy27300
How to Write a Proper Question for the Editorial

Follow this step-by-step guide and I will lead you through the pitfalls of writing a proper question for the editorial.

by slinkee
Wanna Snowball Fight?

All you have to do is hit the pets that you see on the other side of the barrier...

by rospetta
How to be a Neoslang Nerd

The word or phrase that you don't understand is what I like to call Neoslang, named because it's slang you use on Neopets.

by surfy_chick27
Kreludorian Cover-Up!

I didn't get another lead for several days, until I heard about a doctor dismissed from the Hospital because he did not "keep confidential information confidential."

by ponytail135
A Little Further Up

The problem was that I had no goals.

by weaponstar
Getting Started: Glorious Gallery Making

The purpose of galleries is to show off.

by unicorngirl383
The Neolodge Files

The clean, corporate building with the fountain out front looks innocent enough.

by nonobow
To Twist A Tongue

Crafty Kougras keep kelp caches on Kreludor.

by alexrae963
A Treatise on Controversy: Quitters and Key Quest

Not everyone gets what they want all the time, and this is where the biggest problem seems to arise: people quitting.

by phadalusfish
Bounce Your Way to Glory!

Welcome, one and all, to the practical, no-nonsense guide of one of the most fun games in Neopia.

by sakhz
The Demons of Dynasty

The great and wise King Altador voices his opinion of the PPL.

by books86
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"Slothtopia" by i_live_under_the_bed
Agusto desperately peered out of the window to see the Virtupets Space Station shrinking away into the distance as his other two pets, Number and Potion Maker, stared in shock out of the airlock that had closed shut when the pod had taken off. "Oh, nice going, Cream!" Cheesedoodles grumbled as he dusted himself off. "Now we're stuck in space heading who knows where!"

Other Stories


Fyora's Mission
"She's auditioning apprentices!"

by petulapig


Finding Frieda
The day Piper moved to Mystery Island was one of the worst days of my life.

by majikel


Shay Peters and the Clockwork Caper: Part Two
Twelve people sat in a circle in the middle of what seemed to be an old library...

Also by chocolateisamust

by sirussblack


A Faerie Tale: War - Part One
The Faeries came to Neopia in turmoil, with the drums of their hearts beating towards war. They were scattered, divided...

by herdygerdy


Notions and Nonsense
Just because it's free, doesn't mean it's cheap!

Also by patjade

by achdut


Palmplat Perils
Thanks for reading!

by larkspurlane

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