Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 188,131,369 Issue: 490 | 15th day of Eating, Y13
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The Mystery of the Red Yurble Piano Player Revealed!

Have you ever asked yourself who this versatile and talented maestro is?

by jennythegreat
Ten Vegan Dishes To Try Today!

Go on, have a look at the many vegan dishes I have managed to find from all around Neopia!

by krn55
Philanthropy and Roo

A guide to giving through Dice-A-Roo!

by stariette
The Complete and Comprehensive Guide to the Neolodge

Which hotel you'd like to stay in, and which Neolodge you wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole...

by movie138music
Interview with Jhudora

As soon as I had decided to interview Jhudora, everyone seemed to have started to question my sanity, but...

by jeran_b
Prizes - Keep, Sell, or Use?

Prizes are awarded for an accomplishment- for doing something deserving of them. But what do you DO with the prize?

by purple_umbreon
Top 11 Dos and Don'ts for Pet Trading (Because top 10s are so last week!)

If you've never traded before, it can be both intimidating and confusing to start.

by agedbeauty
Pet Pound Predicament

Everybody hates seeing all those abandoned pets at the pound.

by plushie_freak17
The Top Underappreciated (and Cheap) Shops In Neopia

Here's a guide to some fairly unpopular shops, where you might find some good buys and some good profits.

by mimweimers
Insanity in Numbers: Dealing with a Large Neo-Family

Sooner or later, you're going to get a little cracked. This is what duct tape and this article is for.

by pringlz
Interview with the Lutari

Why do the Lutaris not want to be placed up for adoption?

by the_dog_alchemist
Items to Complete your Krawk's Special Day!

Krawk Day is a day for celebration across Neopia.

by kidagakash_nedakh
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"The Grass is Always Greener" by elly042
Jatalle squinted to have a look. "Looks like some type of sunglasses," she announced. "Quite distasteful really, garish pink. I can't really even think of an outfit they'd fit!" But no-one who was buying the glasses seemed to share her opinion on that matter. Their lucky pets were soon sporting the new fashion accessory and parading around...

Other Stories


Memory Hunting
"So this is where you dropped it?" Zisse inquired politely, a notebook held firmly in one fin.

by blumen


The Wise and the Musical
Wiselon was one of the youngest lords of Brightvale...

by dave_ofwales


The Prophecy Faeries 3: Linisa's Return - Part Six
When the faeries awoke the following morning, they felt considerably more refreshed...

by alex313


Mission For Knowledge: Part Three
There was one month left before Rain would be sitting in a classroom on Mystery Island...

by halloweens_lady


OTL: Terror Mountain
Perks of being a ghost: Enjoying slushies in a cold snowy place with a T-shirt.

by kamagirin


More Hardships of...Habitarium P3s 13
Yay for team building!

by alagfalaswen

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