Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 188,914,574 Issue: 542 | 27th day of Eating, Y14
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5 Ways to Celebrate Cybunny Carnival

A humorous and intriguing guide on how to make the most of Cybunny Day.

by greenglitter
Neopian Anagrams

It's been a while since I wrote my last article on quizzing and gave you a challenge.

by daughters_ofthe_moon
Lazy Yet Creative Ways to Get Rich

Just follow the steps in this guide exactly and I promise you'll be a millionaire in no time!

by elementdragongirl
Top 25 Most Beautiful Avatars

There are so many different avatars on Neopets, but not all of them are created equally. Some are more beautiful than others.

Also by blue_eyed_tiger_j

by mercy_angel

To the Top of the Mountain: SW1 and SW2

Princess Terrana, younger sister of the infamous Princess Lunara, hopes to prove herself worthy of the title "Shenkuu Warrior" by racing her way up some of Shenkuu's tallest mountains armed with nothing more than her wits and a shiny grappling hook.

by iamduffan
6 Steps to Successful Spring Cleaning

Read this book for a series of sound, cleaning advice and endless, endless bad jokes. Endless.

by vanilla_paw
Why Your Genius Neopet Can't Solve Zaira's Mysteries

Sadly, there were some Neopians that fell to laziness, and looked at their intelligence 500+ Neopets, wondering if... maybe, just maybe... maybe their Neopet, who was so much smarter than they were... could solve it for them?

by palidus_tomato
The Ten Best Prizes From the Mini Plastic Neggs

Nope. Not bitter at all... *shifty eyes*

by dr_tomoe
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"The Lupe With the Horrible Name" by krazykiddo5
For the purpose of telling her story, we shall refer to her as "Unprintable". She was a plain blue Lupe, and had been abandoned right after some mischievous soul had created her. She did not understand the concept of a loving owner, and assumed all pets were immediately sent to the pound. She was fed three times a day, let out to exercise once a day, and sometimes people would walk by her kennel and laugh...

Other Stories


Strangeness in the Air
Right now, he was staring down at a series of clockwork springs and spinning wheels that were inside of a compass bracelet, trying to fix the cheap thing. But, of course, he had no idea what he was doing.

by amsurito


A Thorn in the Rose
I listened to the echoing tap of the old man's cane as he walked away. Bound up in my prison of greed, I had nothing to do but reminisce of days lost.

by justinamorgan


Enchanted Stories: Adventure in Brightvale - Part One
Five months ago a book had appeared and had unexpectedly led us on an adventure, an adventure that never happened...

by kristykimmy


The Fate of Dust and Fire: Part Ten
Even though it was ruined and partially buried by sand, the temple was still a magnificent structure.

by macana


NeoSmart!: Preparing You for the Real World...
Neopets will never just feed themselves. Ever.

by shellbentts


Haha... not funny.

by fettugina

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