Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 189,582,355 Issue: 556 | 3rd day of Hiding, Y14
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The Worth of a Badly Named Basic Pet

It was a sunny day in Neopia Central and so, I decided I would try an experiment.

by miss_miku1
Paintbrush Peculiarities

Neopia is filled with pets who defy their color standards, and today I'm here to tell you about some of the coolest, most unique, or just plain oddest colors you can paint your pet.

by katiecoo802
The Mysteries of the Lever of Doom Revealed!

Ever wondered about the Lever of Doom? Such as, why is it the Lever of DOOM?

by i_heart_foxes
Money Tree: Snipe Those Items

The Money Tree, a colossal tree filled with great mysteries around every branch and treasures as deep as its roots.

by ohheyreplay
An In-Depth Look At The Caption Contest

A question I am asked somewhat frequently nowadays is, "How do you keep getting into the Caption Contest"?

by moocowalex
Mynci Beach Volleyball: The Power of the Pawkeet

In this guide I will start off with the very basics of the game, then dive into the more difficult secrets you will need to know if you want to achieve that avatar or trophy.

by texanrose_2000
Kelp: What You REALLY Need To Know

I am here now to tell you, that those cruel accusations are completely and utterly FALSE.

by greavesbaby
Reflections from a Neopian Times Author

Join me (and the White Weewoo crew) as we reflect on my journey as a Neopian writer!

by parody_ham
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The Caption Contest

A question I am asked somewhat frequently nowadays is, "How do you keep getting into the Caption Contest"? While I have had relatively good success lately, I don't have any "secret" tips to guarantee myself a spot among the winning captions. The best I can do is simply enter some captions that I find funny, cross my fingers and toes, and hope for the best! Every time I see my name among the chosen captions, I am still surprised and get a warm feeling inside. The best feeling of all is getting in for the very first time! And that is why...

Other Stories


Looney Lockewood
The mad old Buzz was glowering down at the pair of them, his jaw just inches from Shailayna's nose...

by ihailin


The Cost of Freedom
We are in the Deserted Fairground. Rowan and I.

by werelupe25


Hero of Shenkuu: Part Two
Years and years passed. I spent the beginning of these years researching prophecies and records on Spotted Zafaras, and I sent out a group of trackers to find ones of proper age. None of the Zafaras they discovered were vicious enough to be the Chosen One from the prophecy...

by encroached


Tales from Neopia Central: Part Three
Neopia Central had changed a lot – and far too quickly for Johnny Twobit.

by herdygerdy


Rapsid 2
If it makes you feel better, we would have joined Altador.

by slearax


Don't Trust Rich Slorgs. Ever.
There's a reason why you shouldn't trust rich Slorgs...

by celestialguineapig

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