White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 194,824,992 Issue: 797 | 15th day of Gathering, Y19
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A Guide to the Caption Contest!

Stop - hold on! Caption Contest is back! This is not a drill... I repeat… Caption Contest IS back!

by happyinengland
Apple Bobbing With Bart

Vandebart, more well known just as Bart, runs the Apple Bobbing game which has surged to popularity and is one of the main attractions of the Haunted Faire.

Also by alykadoatie

by miss_cinny

Omelettes & Beverages: a Guide to Deliciousness

Omelettes have always been one of the most abundant and scrumptious items in Neopia. Often, it can be hard to find that perfect drink to pair with that blissful omelette you’ve waited all day to eat. Luckily, this guide will help you match the perfect beverage with the perfect omelette!

by hockeydarling14
Spiffing up a Mutant

Er, um. Ahem. You want me to write about those weird mutant Neopets?

by mysticdarkangel925
Guide to the Battledome: Weapons (Part 3)

Welcome back to the third installment of the series! We talked about training your pet, now let’s talk about weapons.

by berzerkturtlez
What You Never Knew About Kyrii

Kyrii, proncounced KIH-ree, is a species of a somewhat high-maintenence Neopet who wander love to explore and get into a little bit of trouble.

by lefaii
Monochromatic Wardrobe: Blue

Hello, Neopia! Today I will be sharing my top blue Neopoint and Neocash wearables with you! Everything listed in this article will be at least 75% blue.

by madiwoo
Relatable Neopian Tragedies

Everyone has bad days sometimes and it is important that we look back and laugh on the dumb mistakes we've made, or the terrible random events that have caused damage to our net worth.

by ellaisback
The Top Ten Pre-Customization Draiks

Draiks are incredibly beautiful—and handsome!—especially the old, Pre-Customization ones. So settle in with a nice cup of borovan and let’s count down The Top Ten Pre-Customization Draiks!

by butterflybandage
An Extensive Look at Neopian Quests

But, where are all of these quests, you might ask? Well, look no further! Below, I will talk about any and all quests that Neopia has to offer.

by sherlockpwns
The Best Robot Petpets

With this, I present to you: The Best Robot Petpets (In no particular order)

by jjensen688
Character Re-Introductions: Chocolate Factory Kiko

This time I'm interviewing the mysterious owner of Neopia Central’s Chocolate Factory, producer of most of Neopia’s supply of chocolate, and host of the Annual Chocolate Ball: the Chocolate Factory Kiko.

by pikachu315111
Tired of Other Neopians? Rent A Boat

Also by raspberrywatching33

by table

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"Lustra the Peacekeeper" by danzgirl12
The sun was just barely beginning to rise in Neopia on that spring morning, its subtle orange and pink hues lending a certain softness to the harsh, jagged edges of Terror Mountain. The only movement for miles around was the gentle rippling of the water, but as the sun rose higher and began to warm the land, birds could be heard chirping for the first time in months. Suddenly, a joyful squealing, accompanied by a flash of green! Some creature had torpedoed itself into the water, causing a great splash. Hobbs the Green Bruce popped his tiny head up, spluttering for air and laughing. He was still quite a young Bruce and not supposed to be up this early or by himself in the ocean. His mother always stressed the dangers of going out into deep waters without having an older member of the family watching him. He figured it was far too early and cold for any other sea creatures to be stirring. Besides, as long as he made it back home before his parents and siblings woke up, he was in the clear. Just then, he felt something brush against his leg. He didn't panic; he knew exactly who it was. Slowly, a black mane rose above the water, followed by light golden ears. The creature stopped at that point, not moving another inch. Hobbs wasn't sure what sort of game this was. He reached forward in an effort to pat the the soft mane, when suddenly the rest of the Peophin's head popped up and sprayed him directly in the face with a jet-like stream from its nostrils. "UGH, GROSS!" He couldn't help but smile, though. Revelle the Spotted Peophin smirked proudly at his bewildered face. She usually surprised him with a hard smack of her tail when he was least expecting it, but she thought this would be something new to try. "Hobbs, you know you shouldn't be out right now. Your mother nearly caught you last week. Besides, I can feel the waters warming. The Jetsams could be here any day now."

Other Stories


One day in the Haunted Woods, everything seemed to be normal - or as normal as the Haunted Woods can get. But unknown to any of the residents of the Woods, even the Brain Tree, they were soon going to be visited by two Neopets, one willing and one less so.

by cbudgo60


Wish You Were Here!
Someone from the Pound will come to get you. I’m just sending you on this vacation so that your first four weeks back in the Pound’s custody can be a bit more fun.

by cadetbush


The Princess of Flowers: Part Eight
They had finally made it to Wobbleshire: a bustling city whose buildings, streets and sidewalks were all made of the same yellow-jelly substance.

by downrightdude


Master of Ceremonies: Part Three
As the amber sun descended in the distance and poised itself just above the tree line of the Haunted Woods, more and more patrons filled the fairground.

Also by bookworm7

by sin_hui_ryoma


Curse of the Coltzan
Nobody said he was kind to EVERYONE.

by applejuicerain


Poor Puppyblew
Uh, nevermind...

by stunningful

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