The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 194,845,150 Issue: 800 | 6th day of Collecting, Y19
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800+ Years In Neopia

A users guide to pre-historic Neopia, the land before we ever knew it!

by jetaketa
Facts About Unfamiliar Faeries

Here's what you didn't know about faeries...

by jubileek
800 NP Or Less

How to use Neopoints on a budget...

by nah_nah
An In Depth Analysis of Editorial Goodies

Let's analyze the many sweet and salty goodies thrown, tossed, handed, and dropped on the editorial staff every week.

by welikedots
Gormball Champions: A Sitdown with Gargarox Isafuhla

What Gargarox really thinks about the Gormball championships...

by hectic_haley
Confessions of a Staff Room Feepit

The secret confessions from a Feepit...

Also by bekka513

by sailorini_1

The Most Thorough Gormball History Lesson, Part 3

The final part to learning everything there is to know about Gormball!

by mouseketeers
Five Signs You Might be Addicted to Weewoos

Do you find yourself obessesing over Weewoos too?

Also by sosuleaf

by auraphic

The Best Random Events

These random events will make your day...

by katietease
Back to School Essentials for Every Colored Pet

School can be frightening, and for most, confusing. This list is to help ease your pet’s minds into a natural flow so they can pop up at the end of the year as an A+ student

by sherlockpwns
A Neopian Celebration: 80 Milestones You Can Achieve

80 account milestones that every Neopets player can achieve, and how to accomplish them

Also by kayahtik

by saiphami

80 Ways To Enjoy The Fall On Neopia

Fall has just arrived in Neopia!

by paraxeno_daimonio
The White Weewoo’s Ten Favorite Foods of Neopia

So yummmyyy....

by smeehoo27126043
Claare's 800 Reasons for Sending Fanmail

A shoutout to all the contributors...

by dewdropzz
Feather Fashions

See the latest feather fashions...

by earthiness
A Neopets History of 800

Have you been following all of the NT content, if not here's some...

by quailbat
800 Neopian Times Sponsors

Taking a closer look at the Sponsors...

by andrewo94
Rarity 80 Species Items for the 800th Edition Party!

I never knew there were that many...

Also by _arkham_asylum_ and breakeven

by ilovemykitties12

Exploring Neopia in 800 hours

Let's explore all Neopia has to offer!

Also by djleclair

by guik44

The Times' List of the Ten Most Influential Neopians

Only the best of the best of course...

by phoenix_through_fire
What if the White Weewoo Were a BD Challenger?

We all know the pen is mightier than the sword, but what if that sword comes from the Hidden Tower?

by dfgh5067
Eight Great Grarrl Garbs for Gaming

Who knew?

by rock_star_megs
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"What's The Occasion" by flustre
It was a chilly September day in the town of Neopia. Leaves were rustling in the wind, the sun was just about to start setting, and the smell of warm cocoa filled the autumn air. Lily the Kacheek was enjoying her daily walk, which calmed her as she closed her eyes to breathe in the fresh air, until she heard a small noise which seemed to grow louder… "Excuse me, excuse me! Out of the way please!" It was a little pink Cybunny skipping in Lily’s direction, who seemed to be in a hurry and had a nervous look on her face. "No time to chat, I’ve got a busy day of hopping around ahead of me!" And the Cybunny skipped away into the distance. Lily squinted her eyes, shielding them from the sun, and faced the direction the Cybunny was hopping in. "Was that… Daisy? Strange, I don’t even think she recognized me! That was an interesting watch she was carrying too, I wonder what it was fo—" Lily paused as she realized she was talking out loud, then subtly looked around, hoping no one was there to see that she was talking to herself. She continued her walk and soon enough came across the Chocolate Factory, which carried her favourite gummy snack, Blueberry Gummy Slorgs. Lily wondered if she should treat herself to this snack, but also knew her Mum wouldn’t want her eating sugary sweets before dinner. "You know what," she said again out loud after a few minutes of contemplation, "my birthday is coming up so I’m gonna make this one exception and eat some Gummy Slorgs before dinner." Not caring this time if anyone was around to listen, Lily stepped into the shop and walked to the aisle to grab hold of her favourite gummy snack. "Oh hi, Lily," said a soft voice. Lily turned over her shoulder to see one her best friends standing behind her. "Lupin!" she exclaimed with excitement. "It’s so nice to see you…" Lily’s voice drifted as her eyes made her way to a beautifully wrapped present which Lupin was carrying. Lupin the Kougra noticed Lily staring at the gift he was holding, hid it behind his back out of sight, and cleared his throat.

Other Stories


800 Green Mirrors
She is an avid collector of many items, but her favorite is the Green Mirror. She seems to request this item more than any other, and has built up a massive collection of them, just recently receiving number 799.

by brodysseus


How Not to Cancel a Faerie Quest
Next time you begin a quest, read this first...

by almightynyx


The Dark Faeries' Plot
Thousands upon thousands of books, stacked on ornate shelves rising proudly to the lavish domed ceiling of the Faerie City Library.

by jayeless


The Poossession: Part Three
The more in sync we are, the more believable we'll be.

by ag1228l


Why We Have So Many Slorg Games and No Weewoo Ones
Did you ever wonder?

by secant


Happy Bird Day!

Also by Stephsie

by mustikeuh121

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