Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 197,128,123 Issue: 889 | 31st day of Sleeping, Y22
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What to do when you STILL feel like a n00b

If you’re anything like me, you started playing Neopets a long, long time ago. Possibly when you were young enough that your parents had to fax TNT a permission form to access neoboards and guilds.

by neotopia1995
Brain Tree Quest: Guideline for Avatar & Trophy

Luck! It all depends on your luck!

by silver0225
The Times Have Changed, Can You Relate?

My flashback of when I first joined this site. Can you relate?

by yodiee
Potions, Elixirs, Tonics, and Their Wondrous Uses

Neopia is filled with many kinds of items such as medicines, books, stamps, training aids, cards, toys, the list goes on and on. One particular set of items has intrigued me more than any other however.

by mewemy
Are They Worth It? Books That Break The Bank

A previous article of mine talked about the worth of books. It focused in particular, on the many cheaply priced items available throughout Neopia, such as Maraquan Bed Time Stories or the third issue of this very Neopian Times, and how, they are worth so much more than their price tag implies.

by kahlen369
Vegan on a Budget

Has your pet been complaining of eating the same omelettes and jellies every day?

by purest_pink
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What to do when you STILL feel like a n00b

If you’re anything like me, you started playing Neopets a long, long time ago. Possibly when you were young enough that your parents had to fax TNT a permission form to access neoboards and guilds. When it comes to rocking the account age shield on your lookup, you’ve got that shiny 15 years, but beyond that you’re totally lacking.So what do you do when your account is old but you still feel like a n00b? To meet your goals, you need neopoints! Back when my account was new, my goal was to make 10,000 NP a day.

Other Stories


From a Friend
The Neopian Pound was open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty-five days a year (and yes, sadly, even on the Day of Giving).

by the_spirit_realm


Three of a kind
A story about family

by rkbear


Mystery of the Brightville Vanishing:Part Eleven
Orlitz and Erin tumbled off their benches as the lights in their gondola blinked on and the ride lurched forward.

by josephinefarine


What Uni Dream of
something has happened!

idea by Malphd

by linnipooh


Don't take it so literally...
something has happened...

by skittles291

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