Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 90,555,864 Issue: 166 | 12th day of Storing, Y6
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Wishful Thinking - Halloween Comic

"Extremley Confused"

by barbcat00
Chaz and Crackers

It's heavy...

by kybin
Pirate Addiction!

The accent everybody's talking 'bout!!

by dj_rulz_2004
Don't Blame ME

How do you stay so small?

by choclated
Confessions of an Exasperated Owner

And did I mention, don't climb on the furniture?

by kawaii_kai002
Meerca Chasing...

A different type of Meerca Chase...

by da_dude_with_shoez
A Neopet's Life

Feel my electro-static wrath!

by rahkshi6410
Current Affairs

Wow, she can't take her eyes off me...

by blinkbaby1822
The Chronicles of Rohane

What you didn't see...

by ledsrevenge2
Baby Blues

Finding a plushie at the Money Tree...

by cutiekitty234
Makyan and Me V

She'll never know...

by cleoannie
Weird Things

Why you should do your homework...

by emuu2
Comic Sans

What can I say? It's a comic!

by flookadoobee
Messed Up

Where do they get all those items?

by jaimmiedogder4
Sleeping On It


by heron10

A year's worth of junk...

by allelementalfaerie11
Zeebalee's Randomosity

An inexpensive cure for Lumps!

by tehkella

Don't go any closer...

by wicked_dragonite
Neo Cappucino

A disadvantage of the Lab Ray...

by raptor291
The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword...


by funandgames999
I Found You

"Too Heavy"

by ausra331
Neo Insanity!

What's That?

by fairy_of_rain
Poof! And It Was Gone...

Maybe I'm not the only one this happened to! :)

by random_geyser
Totodum and Turtumdee : Gruslen Troubles

You don't look so good...

by huggsy_666
Fond Memories: Passing Comments


by prettyprincesslady54
How to Get a Halloween Costume

There's no costume store, right?

by ikagen
When Pigs Fly...

Jelly World! Ha!

by mistress_syn

No more, I say!

by dragon_heart_101
N3oW3IRD Episode 02

"Needy Neopet"

by neekko
Snow Times

"A Few Days After Halloween Special"

by howling_wolf8
Typical You

Read to your Neopets! I beg you!

by spiker7786
Neopian Circumstances

"Sloth-like Comparison"

by nefily
Neopian Mysteries

"The Unexplainable"

by lunabunny16
Slorg World

It's a Slorgy, Slorgy world.

by matthew_button
Way Down South

YOu cut holes in my hat!

by cluttered

How did you get that scar?

by _lordofthefrogs_
Hide and Seek

Should never be played with invisible pets...

by xprecious
Once Upon A Comic Strip

Been playing a certain Whack-a-Staff-Member game too much, have we?

by tiddle_girl
Lenny Sack

I feel stronger already!

by ickessler
Adskidaf, Inc.

And you thought one rascal was enough...

by _chazm_
Search the Neopian Times


"Fear the Faerie" by nightphantom20
You may think they are powerful forces of good. And you would be right. Well, mostly right, anyway. There's one faerie out there that isn't the picture of perfection...

Other Stories


The True Face of a Faerie: Soup Faerie
A few shop owners scrutinize the dusty, populous streets. They can tell that the roads are so crammed because the pets and their owners are in a line. Most know that this line is not just any line - it is the line to the Soup Kitchen.

by draconis_minoris


The Grey Curse
I was blessed with true happiness... and now it's been taken away...

by heartcandyz


How Safe Are Our Neopoints?
I was playing the game Trouble at the National Neopian, when it occurred to me, who is keeping all those nasty thieves and villains out when we aren’t playing?

by elmashtree


It's in the Stars
Hiding this knowledge within me is a burden I wish not to have anymore, so after thousand of years I have descended from my highest cloud to inform the people and Neopets of Neopia of their fate.

by basantii


Freedom and Glory: Part Two
His greatest wish was to beat Raife at anything, even once, just to show himself that he could do it, and feel more justified that the admirable Lupe would call him a friend.

by laurelinden


Reign of the Shadows: Part Four
"Don't you see what they're doing?" Jeran asked. "They're using you as a puppet! Half of Neopia will flock to help the side that Illusen stands by! All they want is power."

by feriku

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