"Love, Mr. Scary" by bitsy_dj This year, however, she wasn’t in a festive mood like she normally was. Ever since the war against Lord Kass, she’d hardly been cheerful at all.
Set for Santa This year Charmed and Indipsi were going full
out. They were going to turn their entire hill of property into a rightful place
of holiday cheer...
One December Evening... Without noticing the change, they had darted through another
thick layering of trees and over a bare, snowy landscape, soon speeding through
yet more rows of trees...
How to Create the Perfect Faerie Cave While
Hannah and the Pirate Caves had its water, and Escape from Meridell Castle has
its almost robotic-like enemies… Faerie Caves II has, well, balloons, boulders,
and traps; and did I mention the spike traps?
Raider of the Sky: Part Two I looked up from my work as I heard a sound
from without my cell. I had given up trying to open the lock, and was now working
the hinges on the door. I had already opened one, but the other two refused
to budge...
Telltale the Darigan Dancer: Part Three "Her name sounds so familiar; I think my brother
mentioned a name like that after I had to pinch him out of that trance he was