Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 90,554,371 Issue: 172 | 7th day of Sleeping, Y7
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Lenny Sack

The Water Faerie says a few magical words and...

by ickessler
Totodum and Turtumdee: Wake Up Calls

Some Petpets just don't learn...

by tambourine_chimp
Bad Hair Day Babaa, uh?

by fairish
Meridellian Mayhem - Kass's New Job

Kass finally finds a use for his obsession with falling!

by ikkin_with_attitude
Speck the Speckled

Ew, I'm not going over there...

by cheetah_kougra
Happy Family (Almost)

You can't have your cookie...

by 17sk8erdevil17
Neo Cappucino

In the Warf Rescue Team game, do you ever wonder how tall the tree actually is?

by raptor291

Kaus? O_o

by flowercatlover
For Awful or for Worse

Is this the editing room?

by yoshiboy2000

Careful where you sit...

by darkadoom
Unorthodox Teaching

Mr. Bronston finds a good outlet for his supressed rage.

by battlesunn
The Egg Wars Chronicles

I swear! I have NEVER seen her shoes! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS TRYING TO HIDE?!! ^^

by moorale
Brain Tree Blues


by alatyr12
Finer Things

Yes, I'm obsessed with Neopets.

by mimiruyumi

Look at that pet!

by confuzerated
My Life With A Teenage Noobie

How was I supposed to know...

by rainbowface94
Two of a Kind

Warning: Snowballs may be hazardous to your health.

by danni_dice
Annoyed Neopians


by xnever
When It Does Not Pay To Play Hero...

You're not afraid of roaches?

by kushbi

What's happening on top of Snowager's cave?

by wicked_dragonite
Little Too Boring

Well, it wasn't TOO exciting...

by bomeekjanet
Life With Your Neopets

Sloth's ray gun works in a different way with Snorkles...

by x_melina_x
Comic Mischief

Never trust a snowball...

by just_plain_tooony
Bargaining With Balthazar

Worthy a try...

by aurigryphon
The Comic Of D00M

Watching the clouds...

by _dratini01_
A Scrap of Reality

I see...

by shikononi
Learning a Lesson

Don't take things from strangers.

by lalafantasy_girl
What Not To Do Around An Evil Villain

Maybe you could try a hat?

by lovart056
Shades of Grey

The annoyance of cliffhangers.

by kantoku
Once Upon A Comic Strip

One percent... Two percent... Three percent...

by tiddle_girl
A Little Odd

Hot dogs!

by doggirl384
Unexpected Incidents #1

...Something "special", eh?

by american_tabby_cat

Why you shouldn't fall asleep in class...

by cannonsmbt
Re@llY Cr@zY

I can detect danger from MILES away...

by sukuyumaruchan
Ironies of Neopia

Five, four, three, two, one!

by blubblub317
Neo Nutters

Keep an eye on it...

by nano_cat
Sutek Muffin

What's purple and fuzzy?

by thegreenmooseofdoom
Version: My Pets

That's it!

by blue_bunny_
Faerie Woes

"Loooong Hours"

by roller_coaster26
Jelly Woes

Now you're stuck with it!

by imogenweasley

There lived a... there lived a...

by kagura_the_wind
Tenshi & Zerhyr

I hate broccoli!

by championferret
And the Meepits Outgrabe

That is like such a boring book!

by kittylin
Search the Neopian Times


"The Sock Puppets" by mystics_magic
"I know, I know, I'm late!" she groaned, hanging up her drenched coat. "I was caught in the rain, so deal with that okay?"

Other Stories


Mistress of the Double-Cross
Up on a snow covered hill stood a green Acara, silhouette fading into the night sky. Her cold blue eyes did not reflect the light of the moon...

by eternally_forgotten


Isn't there more honor in being strong and taking a stand against war and fighting and standing up for peace? It takes more character to stand up for what they believe in, not flow with the crowd.

by _peregrintook_


Guide to Profiting off of Retired Items
Retired items may not make tons of profit right away, but they will in the long run...

by jelly_bean_qween


Zurroball Assistance
Zurroball is a game where you click a ball and it bounces up. You try and see how long you can get it to bounce until it touches the ground. Sounds simple, right? There is much more strategy involved.

by dark_cows


The Tower Journey: Part Seven
"The faeries told you to break into the King's vault and steal money. The Faeries told you to knock out the hero Jeran and steal his sword."

by neonick19881988


Midwinter War: Part Two
The forest was a refreshing change from the desolate village and the endless plain. It kind of reminded him of how he had gotten here. What was this place?

by shadowcristal

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