Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 104,800,928 Issue: 204 | 18th day of Hiding, Y7
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Neopian Neophyte

And you thought MEEPITS were bad news..?

by leedom111

We are here...or there...

by white_draigon
The Furry Chronicles


by puppylover2830

No, it's perfectly safe, really...

by crow213
Too Much of a Good Thing...

What's wrong?

by cream_soda920
Buzzer Ball

"Arr... It looks as if ye overshot again, matey..."

by darkwolf__untamed
Split Second Snicker

Round and round we go...?

by plushie_patches
Warf Rescue Team

I wonder where the kads are going...

by wizardmoncita
Hungry Cobrall

Things aren't always what they seem...

by fire_fly196
Pretty Kitty

What does YOUR Kougra do with his enormous paws?

by halfwayaddict
Smelly Nelly

"Is an artist."

by i_hate_backstabbers
Follow the Leader!

We know it's the truth! It has happened to all of us at least once!

by _kelizeee_
Amazingly Insane

Just those little problems with painting your petpet plushie or snow. XD

by lupe_of_flames
A Very Stuffed Abode Crossover

You'll love my secret ingredient...

by marilltachiquin

Why did Yiko the Draik Sentinel never get off his post?

by verallien
Not So Sure Any More

I want to be a real pet!

by goldchocobo21
Little Known Neopia

Nobody likes licking envelopes...

by watermellonyfresh
Mashed Potatoes

Dinner is served...

by third_potato
Project Negative

Edible project dilemma.

by ribbons43

Clear case of Floofeh logic.

by jupeboxgal
Neopian Wackiness

Hospital Wackiness

Also by aimeilee

by cherv1

Veggie Surprise

Welcome to Kelp!

by plaquenil
t0t4lly r4d c0m1c

Battledome is dangerous.

by mimed
Fruity Salad

Cookbooks are overrated...

by pooh_pooh_caca
Mootix Madness - Feeling Paranoid?

That creepy feeling...

by leoness

Lupes love Chias.

by linds4y
The Cheesy Neos

I keep having this nightmare...

by justduckygal
Target Confirmed!


by wings_
Paint Brushes

And you're this excited because?

by mandy_raz
What Happens When You Misclick in the Battledome.

and one short fight later...

by soggy_cardboard
Unexpected Incidents

A ghost that's new on the job... o_O

by american_tabby_cat
Fond Memories: Down For Maintenance

I don't see the Red Pteri, though!

by prettyprincesslady54
It Works Every Time!

If you are scared of the Pant Devil...

by cheesegab
Short Stuff

You must be this tall to ride.

Also drawn by sillygirl_543

by unknown_xx

Earn Your Stripes

Fur and water don't mix.

by bacon_hawk
Insanity Inc.

I'd hate to see what was done with the floss!

Art by huggsy_666.

by patjade

Search the Neopian Times


"I'll Have the Tofu Bowl, Please." by peachifruit
"Look at this." The dark room was quiet and still, save one tall silhouetted figure pacing back and forth. His head tilted down, hands limp at his sides, he stood at one side of the room for a while, then quickly turned on one heel to face his shadowy audience. "Look at this place! The Virtupets Space Station, huh...?"

Other Stories


The Horror That Lurks in Every Kitchen
It seems my Lupe's petpet has taken to writing for the Neopian Times. I didn't think Puppyblews had thumbs...

by neox52492


All in a Day, Er, Night's Work
He dropped the bag on the ground, and crawled toward the nearest skylight. He was certain that the street below was empty, as well as the shop, but still, it paid to be careful...

by sois_sage


What Did You Say? Languages of Neopia
This handy pocket sized guide is intended to help you learn the basics of many indigenous languages by examining each world separately.

by horserider12302


How to Make Your Neopets Look Like They Got Painted
Tip # 5: If you want to make your pet look like it’s been painted with the Snow Paint brush, play in the snow all day with your Neopet. When you come inside you will have a snow covered Neopet.

by soccergirl1017


The Return of Celia Synoptics: Part Three
The lights were off, but DeSoni didn't worry. It was standard procedure to preserve the Space Station's limited energy supplies without exhausting its generators...

by appaloosa500


Ancient Neopia: Part Five
"Do you see my power now?" The Archmagus held his staff in front of him, chanting words...

by articuno_neo

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