Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 107,594,495 Issue: 215 | 4th day of Storing, Y7
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When Sloth Takes Over the Petpet Lab....

Now which button to press...

Art by ghostkomorichu

by damien_27619

Feed Florg!

Next time try pet rocks. They can't run as fast.

Art by tiger_tabby

by patjade

oYu giFrue tI utO

We get these a lot...

Art by fetedieu

by seadra_princess

Faerie Tales

It's all in a day's work.

by lotticat
Sanity Obsolete

Why are you reading that?

Art by imogenweasley

by evanescent_pudding

The Unbelieveable

Life sized doll...?

by x0xsammehx0x
NQ2 - The Aftermath...

Oooh, this is gonna be goood...

by wild_iced
Neopian Insanity

So, you got zapped Darigan...

Also by emmybug184

by cosmicfire918

Embarrassed Pet


by _kristina_anne_
Owners, Pets, and Olivias...

Look what I made in art class!

by oe_adoptions
Evil Soggy Boxes of DOOM

Don't ask...

by d4ni3gir1

Being a Uni can really stink sometimes.

by zyanid


by spirit_of_the_hollow
Live Long

Enjoy your life!

by posteyam
Who's Speech Bubble is it Anyways?

Move over.

by bananas11113
always Errors

Isn't he great or what?

by autumn_bell

He looks so insane...

by maiinoki

*wiggles ears*

by 5tnt
da l00p comeek

lyk omg!! dis comik is teh pwn!!1

Also by linzee27

by cherv1



by starsparkler
Top Tips for Neopians

Amaze your friends!

Also by effinluna

by mao_mau

Neopian Circumstances


by nefily
Qnde & Szoo: the Shadowy Shoyru

Catch that book!

by shubi5
My Life as a Strawberry

Mmm.... calamari.

by ninavogel
Embarrassed Elephante


by mattyness
Nasty Cap

I hate my cap!

by darkadoom
Darkest Corner

Tough decision.

by dark_elfa
Temple of 1000 Pets

Homework? What homework?

by icefoxer
All Ears

Y'know Max, it's funny...

by tdyans
The Crazy Neopian Ocean!

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water!

by bobo36000
Volatile Achyfi

Explosive goodness.

by cjinx
All For a Cookie

... you don't love me!

by bandgeek1989
Randomosity's Not a Word

...... O_o

by branidi

Imiya has "Mental Problems". *uses air quotes*

by shrekanddonkey28
The Falling Out

Discount Theft Card. Try again Bucko!

by nirvanaxd
Peophin Problem

Ever wondered how peophins walk?

by angelfish1985621
Search the Neopian Times


"A Hint of Malevolence" by mistoffelees_cat
It all started one day when Cosmo had to do some shopping in Neopia Central. He leaned casually against the Money Tree and pulled out a small list from his pocket. In nice, neat printing, written by his neat and orderly brother, Stellar, were the items Cosmo was to obtain in Neopia Central...

Other Stories


Ocean's Embrace
As they laid her down on the deck, the Uni stayed still, weighed down by the heavy net that bound her. Her breath came in ragged pants, clouding in the salty sea air...

by laurelinden


The Great Jungle Incident
"See, there's that fallen tree with the split branches. And there's that clump of rocks that looks like a spitting JubJub. And there's... there's..." He trailed off. "There's that clearing we passed four times already."

by varadah


The Pet Documentaries: the Acara
The subject of my latest in-depth investigations is the Acara. Amongst fifty introduced species of pets, the Acara is something of a favourite...

by leveret


Neohome for the Holidays
Decorating your Neohome for the season is a real blast, especially when it comes to the latter half of the year. Both indoors and outdoors, your Neohome can be the perfect canvas for showing off your Seasonal Style.

by summerschilde


Lennert's Lawn Ornament, Take 2: Part Two
Lennert, carrying his golden lawn ornament Goldy in one wing, heaved a sigh. "Oh Pinky… he was such a good lawn ornament…"

by buddy33774


Sword upon Sword - a Variation of the War: Part Two
"Excellent, spy. Dismissed. I would like to see what Skarl's papers have to say." So Lord Kass began to read…

by little_hamsters365

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