Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 111,611,307 Issue: 221 | 22nd day of Celebrating, Y7
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Squirrilia's Pages: Christmas Special

Do not open 'till Xmas!

by accasperberry3
Island Babe and Friends: Christmas Special

The best gifts are the familiar ones! ^.^

by syas82301
Soot Can Jump?

Who knew soot could jump?

by super_turtle_2006
'Tis the Season

Let me make it up to you.

by buddy__blankies
Manta's Misadventures

Not THIS year!

by breama
A Christmas Mix Up

A fir isn't a Christmas tree!

by catwings69
Real Christmas

Now what are you up to?

by ssjelitegirl
2537 Sakhmet Slums

You've got the basic idea...

by l3luepheonix
Into The Fire

Hooray! The Advent Calendar is finally here!

by crystallus
Another Day With You ver.Chrismas

Getting ready for Christmas is harder than you think...

by sonicheroesrox
The Plight of the Snowager

Everyone has an off day...

Art by jjjellybean121

by eliza_clare

pro Pant

Pants don't float.

by mutation173
Neopian Comics & Co.

Reminds me of me...

by aurora_moonbeam

Potato is the new black.

by spoonmunky
The Neo397's SURPRISE!

It's here!!

by isaiahdjkim
Meridellian Mayhem - Christmas Time!

"Guess who's playing Santa!"

by ikkin_with_attitude
Starry Stuff

Where's my Sketched Babaa?

by marilltachiquin
A Snowy Situation

I suppose this proves that petpets aren't all that helpless.

by liquiddragonn
Neo Randomness!

Now we just need the...

by kittyluvergrrl
Evil Toys Can Hurt...

Never cross two Evil Toys Of Doom...

by cowzorz
My Brave Mutant

It's true. My mutant Kougra is scared of spyders!

by supreme_artist
Christmas Trees- Who needs them!

See! Just like a real christmas tree!

by lavarat

Attack of the PINK THINGS!!!

by kuruu_6
The Neopals

*yawn* Who's there?

by roxanne_vergara99

Maybe you'd better keep it.... ^ ^;;

by evalyn1012
Sloth on the Rocks

For Christmas I want...

by shadowolf14
Neopian Insanity


Also by emmybug184

by cosmicfire918

Weird Neopians

Do not paint your pets Christmas... You'll be sorry.

by 95france
A Lost Desert Christmas

Seasons Greetings from xxAsuka & Eitailia!!

by puffibunni
The Rope Technique

Brilliant idea!

by pantherinae
All Ears - Christmas Crossover!

You silly child!

Art by nut862

by evanescent_pudding

Weewoo Woes


Art by velveteen

by punkers15

Not Quite Insanity

Maybe we should have just gotten him a stuffed lupe…

by artsy_cat

Poor Godric...he just can't escape that mistletoe...

by purplevixholly
Neoquesting - Part One

Young adventurer, you are new to this land.

by linnipooh
And the Meepits Outgrabe - Christmas Special

Since what goes up must then come down...

by kittylin
N3oW3IRD Episode 05


by neekko
Hog 'N Co

It's a Christmas gift! I hope you like it!

by articuno_neo
Not Another Lupe Comic!

I hear Terror Mountain is nice this time of the year.

by hunyhuny
All in a Neopian Day

My, how things change...

Also by graciegreen

by confuzerated

Happy Holidays!

Where in Neopia could you find a hat that big?

by black_magefive

It's that time of year again...

by ladyariel32

Donating... Gifts?

by spookyfloof
The Pet Patrol Revolution - Neobirthday

It's that time of year again!

by neo_tomi
Mashed Potatoes

What can I do with it?

by third_potato
Mootix Madness Crossover!

Cannibalistic Coughers' Christmas Cards... say that three times fast!

by 0523ck
Sanity Obsolete Christmas Crossover

Oh, how awful!

by ghostkomorichu
Stuck in the Neopet House

Just a little further!

by spotthechelsey
Edna's Christmas Carol

Marry Christmas everybody! ^_^

by smockey11

How to survive panic shopping.

by wicked_dragonite
Jumping For Joy!

*sniff* *cry*

by simongallup
Forever Fornever Episode: 'Oopsies'

*shifty eyes*

by sakura_anime_forever
Spooky Christmas Crossover

Y'know what I like best?

by tdyans
Legendary Champions Christmas Crossover

Your tree is so pretty!

by sharakh
Crazed, Whatever that Means!

What are you talking about?

Also by patjade

by humblely

Darkest Corner : Merry Christmas!


by dark_elfa
Buzz & Bark Christmas Crossover

It didn't take long...

by leoness
Happy Valley Perils

It's cold and the snow feels like dung.

by random_joy
Petpet Ownerowner Holiday Special

The Advent Calendar is full of holiday cheer!

by magnoliaprincess
So On and So Forth

I'll keep that in mind...

by lunagirl52
T3h Praedius

Drawn on that old fashioned stuff called paper with those funny coloring sticks.

by arttimo
Who's Speech Bubble is it Anyways?

I wish I worked for Santa Claus.

by bananas11113
Neofun with Sirius and Pals

Be wary, Gormball players.

by angel_girl857
Project Negative Christmas Special

... And pie!

by unlawfull
A Very Stuffed Abode: Christmas Special!

How is that spelled again?

by 0523ck
Search the Neopian Times


"A Christmas Gift" by silent_snow
Archie, shopkeeper and owner of Wintery Petpets, didn't particularly want to sweep up the shop that day. He had already wiped all the Jinjah crumbs off of the counter, dusted all of the variously-colored hairs off of the shelves and windowsills, and cleaned out the Bika stables in the backyard. As a matter of fact...

Other Stories


Once Upon a Christmas Morning
The young, sapphire-eyed white Acara could never be seen without a whistle on her lips, a skip in her stride, and a merry twinkle in her eye. Every waking moment was spent counting the presents at the base of the tree...

by really_awesome_d00d


"Shush, now," the yellow Techo whispered, as if there might be someone watching them...

Also by precious_katuch14

by chia625_2001


Snowball Fight!
You are supposed to throw snowballs at the Neopets and Petpets on the other side of the cool-colorful-stone-thing wall. That means no hitting Faeries.

by fip


20 Things you DON'T Want Under the Christmas Tree
So as I stand here munching candy canes and dodging snowballs from mischievous grundos, I want to present to you a list of what you DON'T want to see under the Christmas tree.

by skittleiciousgirl


Shadowchild: Part Seven
"Come on, Sissles, open up! I know you're all depressed, so quit sulking!"

by sara_mossflower


The Inn: Part One
It was a Christmas Eve most would prefer to not remember later on. It was cold and damp outside, and a blizzard was stirring up...

Also by dan4884

by chocolateisamust

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