"The Prankster" by btcomsa12 "I will get you this year!" Tomorrow was April Fools Day. The one day of the year that the siblings could play tricks on each other without getting yelled at. Erika sat at the table writing down different ideas and remembering past years. The banana peel of 2004, where she didn't pay attention and slipped on it herself. Or the water bucket on top of the door gag. Erika waited...
Nightmare of the Full Moon Without warning a shadowy figure descended on
her. She snarled, her claws flashing. A shaft of moonlight revealed a brown
Lupe, laughing...
What Sort of Avatar Collector Are You? Avatars. 50 x 50 pixel bundles of joy. These microsized forms of self-expression
are the stars of countless fan sites, featured on hundreds upon hundreds of pet
pages, and are on the forefront of the thoughts of many Neopians.
Fulfilling Illusen's Quest: Part One "Hey Jacqueline, can I please go Meridell?" he
asked suddenly, straightening up and brushing stray cookie crumbs off his clothes.
Oops. He just remembered-
The Greatest Treasure of All: Part Three "He could be wrong. Even if we don't find a treasure, it's okay. The only way I'd be ashamed of us is if we didn't try."