Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 135,120,757 Issue: 269 | 8th day of Celebrating, Y8
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Normalcy Nevermore: Sophie's Goo

Just another random comic with a pitiless punch line and a disrelated thumbnail.

by sarahleeadvent
Rotten Personality!!

I'd like to see you try it :P

by blue_lion_from_space

Lookit all this cool stuff!

by ghostkomorichu
Usuki Mania--Toothbrush finders?

"Now where did I put my purple toothbrush?"

Um... er, you GAVE it to me?

by jessagirl1

Deja Vu

How does she know?

by eilatan175

Behold the ultimate!

by agent_t
No Game Here: Jubble Bubble Trouble


Art by kamikatze24

by hello5346

Almost Insane

Jhudora and Usuki Usuls have more in common than you think.

by vehement
Hali the Hissi

And that's why you don't eat the Kads.

by undefinded
Soup Faerie's Bad Day

I never bought that "invisible soup" thing at the soup kitchen!! ;-)

by nekoyo
Baby Album

Wait! I hear voices...

by pyrodragoness
Funny Farm

Payback pt 1

by saiyukiluva
Disturbing Thoughts of Neopia

Why call it a Uniocto?

by _roddy
Keep Healthy!

That poor Chia.

by colormaster360
Trenner Sayz

At least Dr. Sloth's easier to defeat THIS time...

by battybuddy
Slorg and a Half

No, CAKE!!

by warrior20012
Don't Blame ME


by choclated
Neopia Central: Peaceful or Not?

It WAS a nice day in Neopia...

by mcgirlcat
Random Something

What about King Hagan?

by silvermare200
Evil Feepit #12

Halloween is over...

by fmoura_98
Totally Random: A Day of Shopping

What happens when veggie chias go shopping?

by _kristina_anne_
"Tail" of Woe - It's punny!

What an unfortunate little usul, eh?

by sailormoonpp

Note to self: Do not eat cheesy asparagus before bed time.

by jupeboxgal
Darkest Corner

This is what happens when your owner is a weird-stuff collector.

Idea by mzkimmi

by dark_elfa

The Wishing Well

There's a new guardian...

by evangelinejones
Neopian Dayz

Get lost!

by graciegreen
Ioshva's BC blues

Trophies don't go on your head!

by jlnmellon_112
Let Me Finish My Sentence

Didn't you hear?

by texastiki
That's just Wrong-Mortog madness

Edna's part time job!

by happychick111
Demented Random Events

It's been almost a year!

Art by fetedieu

by alexsmum

Useless Random Events

Who says they're useless?

by ooorianeoo
The Importance of Education

Learn your maths...

by hardlyevolved
Ging Gang Goolie

*rumble rumble*

by fmc896
Search the Neopian Times


"Shadowflame: Snowfall" by brains03
A blizzard had struck not long after she had set out to scale Terror Mountain, leaving Happy Valley behind her in a haze of white flakes and wind. Her name was Shadowflame Darkhunter, an enigma to most but a legend to many in the circles she frequented...

Other Stories


The Tale of Dough
"Sorry I'm such a mess today, Fluffy. Being the star of a Neopian Plot is really hard work! Now I know how Nabile, Tomos, Jazan, Isca, Caylis, Jeran, King Skarl, King Altador, and all the others feel. Woo!" Gilly said...

by redwall_loamhedge


In-4-Motif Tours for Newbies
"Why'd you just shout 'Newbies' and then fall off your seat like that?"

by tambourine_chimp


Roo Island - Under Siege
This was foolish. These dice are ruthless. Do you think they will stop at conquering Roo Island? My friends, when the 29th of October graced us with its malignant presence, we were in fact witnessing the rise of a new Neopian power...

by iamskot


Trouble With the National Neopian?
Do you like giving villains a hard time? Do you want to be a National Neopian Bank champ? Do you want to win a few hundred NP easily? Yeah, of course you do, especially that last one...

by tigerstripe172


Ailemea vs. Jenna: Part Nine
They came to the end of the path to find a gate. Jenna sighed, glad to finally see something that wasn't cloud or blue. "Is this the exit?" she asked Fyora hopefully...

Also by jeanaet

by rainbow_lover852


Aubrise and the Gebmid Mystery: Part Seven
Sarina suddenly stopped and held the torch up so Aubrise could see what lay ahead. A few feet further along the floor dropped away down a slope into blackness...

Art by rookina

by rookina

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