Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 135,380,866 Issue: 275 | 19th day of Sleeping, Y9
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Say What?

Liquid toast, anyone?

by jjjellybean121
VERY Random Events: Omelettes

Do your pets ever complain like mine do?

by the_panther17
Random Something

You can always find new uses for things!

by silvermare200

When Mharluxia encounters the Monocerous... o.o

by wolfendusk
The Snowager is an Artist

An evil shadow appears!

by rose_cel
Sweet Dreams

Nighttime is ALL the time!

Idea by firegirldesigns

by amit_oryan

Battledome, Mummies, Balloons, Oh My!

Why do mummies have ballons?

by komodo_matta
Work It Out - Shadow Neopets

It's a beautiful day here at the beach.

by melissa_melly618
Slorgarific Adventures: Happy New Year!

Halloween was months ago!

Written by monkeybytes

by jellybeanott

Raining Kougras and Gelerts

And the vending machine strikes again...

by x__broken_dreams
Hideous Transformation

This could explain how the princes and princesses in "Kiss the Mortog" became mortogs in the first place.

by frost_faerie
Razzle Dazzle

Friend Bob

by khestrel
I'm In the NT!

Well... Tac gets too excited 'bout being in the Neopian Times.

by dingohybrid
RAWR: Duck And Cover

Nice timing... but not for Adam. D:

by voogie123
Do You Ever Get the Feeling...

...that you're being followed?

by loubie_04
The Umbrella

Adventures of a Ruki

by optimystique
Restocking Madness

Too slow?

by cthulhus_child
Kougra Comix


by teenagerobotfan777
Kawaii - Happiness

It could also buy you a comic with backgrounds!...

by crow213

But that was the one you picked?

by cannonsmbt
A Special Petpet

This is what happens when you use the petpet lab.

by kristoffer_lc
Dribble's Diary

Who's the smarter one here?

by 777lucky_7_gal777
Fully Equipped #3

There's a small catch to those Clockwork Grundos, you know.

by dudeperson41
The Gallion Ranch

In celebration of Bahamut_86's "new look"!

Script by hakuryu_86

by pacmanite

An Average Day at the Brightvale Scrollery

Those scrolls are getting awfully dusty!!

by fries682
The Real Face of the Pant Devil


by moi80
Abnormal Espionage - The Count

Hurry up, Count!

by kazenkori
Why Invisible Aishas Shouldn't Have Golden Teeth

Smile! :D

by zwart_maanlicht
Fiesty Freaks

You can say that again.

by eevilbirdiezuh
Under Water Fishing

Nothing like fishing, eh?

by superxspork

How come your intelligence is higher?

Also by mcquackers2

by mcquackers

Just Another Comic

How ironic!

Written by judepet

by jamz76

Gnorbu Day!

And in the middle of winter too. Brrr...

by ratcake
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"Unforgotten" by czenko28
I made my way to the front door to go out into the streets to maybe find a more interesting story than what I could find at home. I could not imagine writing a story about my own family. The newest headline: "How Silver Couldn't Get an Interview." Like that would ever make it into the press. I opened my front door and started making my way out, but I bumped into something and fell..

Other Stories


A Different Kind of Present
Amber grinned. "Sure, Dana!" she said cheerfully. There was such warmth in the air, such great feelings of love and family. It was hard to imagine that she had ever been so afraid of these pets...

by bananas_and_cream


Stuck in the SDB
Kira was a plushie Anubis. She had once been living in the Lost Desert, until the vacation that changed her life...

by roxy_star88


Volcano Run II - A Brief Run-Through
Before we delve deeper into the game strategy, let's take a look at the differences between the two game versions...

by emtz


How to Juice Those Meepits
Everyone needs to eat and drink, it's just a fact of life. But no, it's not just Neopets that need these basic necessities.

by rabbit_jade


Another Hero's Journey: Part Two
He was jealous, and furious as well, but mostly jealous. Plus, he was thoroughly humiliated. As if getting beaten in a mock duel after a winning streak during their earlier years wasn't enough...

by precious_katuch14


Legend Seekers: Mysterious Magic - Part One
"Sir? I saw her arrive. She fell from the sky, and landed on a low-flying cloud, which carried her down here..."

by yatomiyuka

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