"Domination 2" by amwolford "It would be a whole lot easier if the both of us teamed up. Once my plan is carried out, you and I can defeat the other villains so Neopia will belong to us and only us. Why, with my brains and your powers... and my brains, we could take over this planet..."
Sunset: Dreams Frost's mother was Flower. She was a lovely Green Lupe. Flower was a very happy person, but I saw in the weeks towards her disappearance that she was withering away...
Are You Considering Owning a Lab Pet? I didn't say that raising a lab pet is impossible; I'm just saying that it will be tough if you're not prepared...
The Mutant Prince: Part Six The building was a wayside inn, judging by a creaking, hanging sign which had the words LuNaTiC INN painted on in a messy scrawl...
The Fine Art of Battle: Part Five "You cheer a coward!?" he boomed. "A coward that would show the same mercy on the battlefield would not prevail! A warrior must always be a warrior. He has no room for mercy."