White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 176,283,354 Issue: 342 | 9th day of Hunting, Y10
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The Way Stairs Work


by kevinlin1216
Care For Your Neopet

Can I have something to eat?

by konayukii
Code Pink - Krawkade

Where does it REALLY come from?

by prince_manaphy
Notions and Nonsense

"The Vacation"

Idea by patjade

by silverybreeze

What A Nice Surprise


Concept by alymarcas

by taz_241590

ICE: Interesting Comical Endeavor

I like your costume!

by neogirl21_21
Baneful Birds

Plushie Eyrie Masks are not meant for Eyries, silly!

by snowickle_111
Why Illusen and Jhudora REALLY hate each other...

The deep, dark secret behind the two Faeries' rivalry.

by sakurafire
Normal is Overrated

An apple a day...

Idea by eradragon123

by tamarainian_girl

Disco Happens

In the Lost Desert

by ladyxzeus
Deep in Snargan's Thoughts

Once in a while, I sit down and have a good think...

by faeriedragon66
Slightly Ebil

There are just some things that get on your nerves.

by soaringeagle25
Comic Relief - Hardwired

Join Puck, Zu and Tod in their (mis)adventures through the world of Neopia.

by hoeiva
Squid Madness?

I wonder what happens...

Art by invalid_character

by bartdrunkeys

Crumbeard's Ship Log

The adventures of a Yurble that's biscuit by color, pirate by profession.

by rarehunter41
The Class of '08 Part Seven

Half of the characters have been banished!

by _dead_meat_x_
Peophin Whoas

What a fantastic book!

by pyrebi
Neopia's Little Perks

Note: no petpets were harmed in the making of this comic! ^^

by elihtea
Igloo Madness

Catch that piano!

by hidden_0_o
One Fish, Two Fish

At Underwater Fishing...

by fish_puddle
Taunting the Pant Devil

The Pant Devil gets a taste of his own medicine.

by c0nfusedbrian
The Valley of Spam

The taste of defeat

by chichikokoyamma

These items move!

by ghostkomorichu
Birthday Present Blunders

Here's your birthday present.

Art by dark_moon_blossom

by dark_slammer

Train Wreck

Has anyone seen my toy train?

by neofeather
The Way Things Are

That's strange.

by umbreon406
Chomby Odyssey

His twin, the yellow Chomby, was sick and couldn't participate...

by rainbow_bliss_102
Searching for WHAT?!

What are you doing?

Idea by maple4ever

by _fontain_faerie_


Honey potion!!!

Idea by noob

by scarletspindle

Chias Should Worry

Never trust Lupes around Chias.

by lycan_is_weird
Newfangled 2

Zombies need love too. :(

by dragon_loyalty
Drawing a Blank: The Pound is Open

Good things come to those who wait... Err...

by aangchan
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Multiplayer Madness

Have you ever wanted to play a game where thinking is required more than quick reflexes? Then Multiplayer games are for you. Don't know what I'm talking about? They are the game Geos, Armada, and Kacheekers. These games start at the beginning of the month and run all the way until either you lose, you win, or the month ends. Let me explain. At the beginning of the month, the new games start and every week in the month you have a new round and opponent as long as you are not eliminated...

Other Stories


Bad Hair Days
If there was one thing Tsukino loved about her physical appearance, it was her tail...

by nanako9chan


The Legend Of The Ultranova
"If you head towards that star, it will lead you right back to Neopia Central..."

by taurinlupena


Mastering Nimmo's Pond
Unfortunately for the Nimmo, his pond is far from perfect; every once in a while, the current creates havoc...

by ummagine3284


Tarla's Toolbar - Do You Have What It Takes?
Tarla's Toolbar Treasures: an everyday activity explained in depth.

by featherwingedangel


I Don't Want to Be a Pirate: Part One
"Let me get this straight. You came all the way to the employment agency today, waited in line for at least half an hour, actually came up to see me at this desk, and you didn't once consider what type of job you were actually interested in?"

by stingjc


Petpet Adventures: Reunited - Part Seven
"We should move," he said. "It won't do any good for Zariam to find us..."

by rachelindea

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