A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 175,667,400 Issue: 357 | 29th day of Hiding, Y10
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The Lost Island Hunters - Part VII

Strange pink bunches frightened our heroes.

Also by cevierakasky

by dra_jl

UA: The Quest, Part 3

We need to get to Faerieland.

Art by invalid_character

by water_park1993

Kajillion: Voidberry

Cuddlepuff0 sticks his hand in the void. It comes out in Meridell.

by bettyming
Neoventures #4 Yooyuball Edition

Caution: Do not attempt to play Yooyuball with an actual Fire Yooyu.

by guardianpinkneko
The Neochaos

Uh... Right!

by leana_24
How Cute!

Adorable, isn't he?

by shukaku13
Techo Says - The Game, The True...


by larenchan
Avatar Obsessed Usul

This Usul will do anything for a new avatar.

by nickahwhatt
The MSP Diet!

MSP does not follow the rules literally. :)

by sassofrasso
Short Stories


by pernillepapillon
The New Security System


by beracia
Gone Batty


by dogsndragons
Get Some Friends!

This calls for a party!

by konayukii
Wings 'n' All

How to NOT play the Stock Market...

by artistic_cookie
Rock Jelly etc. - But What About the Ice Cream?

What a waste!

by akatonbo
Raspberry Heaven

They should really check the weather forecast before giving out random events...

by cloudwhiskers
The Quest For The Lost Desert Paint Brush -Episode 2

Gwah!! It's so tempting!

by goodsigns
Bus Stop

You are entering another dimension. That's the signpost up ahead...

by luckyfishie

Don't let anything distract you.

by tinybigfoot
I Wasn't Cheating, Honest!

Be careful what you ask for.

by lucky_oreo_13
Arx Hallex: Rainbow Fountain Fail

Silly Aisha.

by qazfan
"Wizard" Windelle

What a nickname...

by satsuma567
Define Idiocy

Accept no substitute.

by darkness1300

An encounter with the Fountain Faerie...

by phaes
Drama Queens

*sigh* So ungrateful...

by noobspeak
Light House Life


by louishooper
Twirly Fruit

How it started.

by sara31777
Lifes Cruel Wishes #2

Bath time! Dun dun dun.

by shadin_the_flame
Pickled Theories

I'm NOT crying!

by seiya_from_ashes
Eat the Madness

Ever have these moments?

by umbreon54399
The Kad Feeder

Nymms the Nimmo tries his best to convince a kadoatie to try less expensive items!

by toffeedatepudding
Search the Neopian Times


Mutants: Judged?

What do we see in mutants? A hideous, twisted, cruel mastermind working for the nefarious Dr. Sloth? Or do we see a kind-hearted intelligent fellow who just wants a home? Many of us would think the first question asked. We don't see kind souls in the eyes of mutants. Most of the time we see an evil scheming devious pet just waiting for you to invite it into your home. DON'T think this. Mutants are often cast aside as one of the worst kind of pets...

Other Stories


Usukicon Edna
"Lady, you've been asking every pet that comes through here for one of these. I got an itch that says this ain't for no spell."

by slinkee


Worse Than Disguised Dr. Sloth!
Behind a counter next to another wooden doorway, two yellow menacing eyes glare at him. Jace suddenly wishes he had listened to his friends...

by momobiscuits


How To Be a Fairly Decent Evil Villain
Finding your henchmen, building your headquarters, plotting your master plan, and how to monologue.

by too_good_pretty_boy


Interview With Dr. Sloth
This was taken before he was trapped in the charm. We are currently looking through space to find him.

by junglequeen117


A Tale of Two Faeries: Part Two
"Sorry, Your Majesty!" squeaked Fin. "I mean, erm, um, sorry, your Illusen-ness, your Supreme Illusen-ship, ma'am. Uh, sorry."

by kacheekgirl444


The Treasure of Xutu: Part Seven
"I told you two. I told you these books were restricted! And now look what has happened!"

by rc81590

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