Dirt may be labelled as a gross food, but have you ever tried it? Do you have the right to criticize it if you have not tried it? Is Dirt the ugly-duckling of food everywhere? Will it soon blossom into the most delicious and most happily eaten food all over Neopia? Well, we'll never know unless you give it a try and just eat some Dirt! Now, you may be thinking, "Eat DIRT? Eww! Not me! It's full of germs and gross things like bugs! You'll never catch me eating Dirt!" I cannot tell you how wrong you are!
The Snorkle: Neopia's Most Misunderstood Petpet? There are a number of misconceptions flying around Neopia concerning the Snorkle, all of which are totally false and unfair judgements of these wonderful petpets' character.
Quest for Etiquette I've noticed that others still treat the game like they are playing against computers. So, for the sake of many, I have compiled a list of 'do's and 'don't's of what to do while playing Key Quest.
Taking Care of Us: Part One "Ubuuroi!" she yelled up the stairs at me and turned on the hallway light. It immediately spilled into my room—I forgot to shut the door. Great.