Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 175,202,370 Issue: 369 | 21st day of Storing, Y10
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The Horrors of Neoquest, part three


by kalvaja
The Hero Society - #11

...In which we have counter-teasing.

by bearcatt
I Bet You Win! - Part 2

Bill, please.

Idea by pseudo_philosopher

by cevierakasky

Eata loafa what?!

Let them eat cake!

Script by patjade

by gaby_marques


What's round, yellow, and sinks like a rock?

Script by rainbow_daydreamer

by bannai

Scared Much?

Are you scared of spyders?

by petluva25

[starring Fodor] Eww, another comic. [and Elvaire]

by cardinalmoon
ZAPPED! - Not a Robot


by mookie99
The Labray

You should just about expect anything from the labray...

by xso_ecstatic
Insanity- Clay

No Warfs were harmed in the making of this comic....

by flameblanket
Geraptiku Tomb: Not so Deserted?

Somewhere deep in the Geraptiku Tomb...

Idea by bartdrunkeys

by dawg3003

Black and Blue

Can't believe no one thought of this before!

by zuzi809

It's really rich in vitamins! The Azzle Hassle

Also by littlesnowwhite

by blaumann

Made of Nitrogen: Fissues

Like butter, jam goes great with bread - yummmm.

by squeeful745
Battle Woes

In which pain and puns commingle.

by butterflygirl113
Tiny But Tough - Personal Bubble


by crazy_kathy
In the Deserted Tomb

Based on a true story... kind of.

by shukaku13
Beware the Cloud Paint Brush!

Thought about painting your pet cloud? Think again! Studies show it may alter their personality...

by minzeh
I Like Usuls 6

Where do we go?

by janebellefontaine
#1 No Chance - The ever s h o r t intro comic

...and the Neocola war began.

by wolves_tears1990
Uncollectible Seashells?

Dude, I told you to try and collect seashells. NOT buildings.

by michelle186464
Next Stop, INSANITY. #3

"Just leave me ALONE!"

by squ00shable
The Plushie Fountain?

There is only the rainbow fountain! Good luck getting a Fountain Faerie Quest!

by ariesite
Clashing Colours

Somewhere in a dark forest...

by ringb
The Purple Chomby

Some kind of portal?

by lucky_oreo_13

Mm... Tsiga is just a very bad loser. :L hehe

by tenedria2
Neonisms: Go Ahead, Just Try It!

Looks like Dr. Sloth won't get his way... or will he? =)

by moonlightfear
NeoQuest II: Between a rock and a hard place

Tip of the day: always choose your spells wisely.

by dyd_666_81
And Who Said Kads Weren't Evil?

They may look cute, but beware... they are ebil... muahahahaha!

by ashanti1011

I need to concentrate.

by krokitoss
One Fish, Two Fish

Warning: this comic contains dangerous amounts of cooties.

by fish_puddle
Logic is Overrated

Not a good idea.

by schipperkes

Komo's new colors!

by ghostkomorichu
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An Origami Petpet

Quite some time ago, The Neopets Team created the most brilliant petpet ever! That's right, we're talking about those Origami petpets you've been seeing all over Neopia. Very soon after they were released, these cute petpets quickly took the population by storm. If you're having trouble choosing that perfect petpet, look no further! Here are ten amazing reasons to choose the best petpets EVER... cardboard origami ones! You may scoff at the notion, but the truth is that these colorful, economical petpets are a joy to have in a neohome. Here are many amazing reasons why...

Other Stories


Just One Friend
Any pet would want to have what Llynia had... except Llynia.

by engadine


The Protectors
The Aisha began pondering the reason why he even came to this dreary spot in the first place. Oh yes, he wanted to catch wild petpets to sell...

by sheyda_sheyda


10 Reasons Why You Should Choose An Origami Petpet
Quite some time ago, The Neopets Team created the most brilliant petpet ever! That's right, we're talking about those Origami petpets.

Also by sunshine482

by neocoladdict


Mutant Graveyard of Doom II Guide
I hope the following paragraphs help you on your journey through the mutant graveyard.

by lakefox


The Last Page: Part Four
"Woh ymna spffu ni a hebrat fo wndi?" my master muttered...

by silent_snow


A Quest For Art: Part One
Everyone has a quest for art in their life, and art takes many forms.

by be2aware

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