Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 174,142,867 Issue: 408 | 4th day of Gathering, Y11
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The Ithalyas Chronicles - The Stormbringer #8

In which there are storms.

by kattrish
Tale of Woe - Part 6 - Peace

After all is done, there is nothing but peace left for those who survived.

by buffylemon
Geraptiku and the Cursed Wave, Part 6

"I'm not jealous of Wave!"

by buizelmaniac
The Hero Society - #31

In which Blue inevitably causes more problems than he solves.

by bearcatt
Medical Tree: Outta the house

The 'happy' ending to a sinky adventure. There's a moral in here somewhere.

by leetmango
Fate of the Fluff

Baking a cake!

Art by crystallus

by 6catgirl6

No Sugar

Isn't that Zo Junior?

by pawz11

How sweet!

by shukaku13
False Alarm

Pie can make a neopet very emotional.

by mudkipdoll
Why Neoschools Wouldn't Work

Wanna stay at home today?

by griffin__shadows
A ghostly comic

Malfaisant, why are you so cold?

by rainbow_yoshi_10
YahZOO!! The Battle Of The Pizza

Yeah, that's right. The PIZZA.

by nanafudgecake
Light House Life

Here to try your luck?

by louishooper
Starry Stuff

But... This is what you asked for, isn't it?

by marilltachiquin
Attack of the Slorgs #2

And he realised not to underestimate slorgs' powers.

by sammynina19347

I strive to be random.

by sorrl111
Snowboarding For Snow Rolling!

Snow Roller gone wrong...

by fantasmicgabe
Brightvale Wisdom

Wheel of Knowledge

by sassygirl0001
Fun With Customizing!

A change in scenery is good... sometimes...

by greenflavouredink
NO! It Wasn't Me!

Good thing there's the....

by toffeedatepudding

Sniggycakes finally goes on summer "vacation"!

by memoshian
Fish Tails

This one features an unwelcome ROOmmate. Get it? Because it's about-- well, you'll see.

by yinna65
T3h Praedius - Origami

Praedius masters the ancient art of paper folding. Sort of.

by arttimo
Because I Said So - Kou-Jong

She kind of has a point, actually.

by jayzara
Awkward Sibling Moments

You like your brother sunny side up? o__0

by thegreenspark
Completely Smart - Annoying Petpets

A small object falls out.

by ms_meepit

Persistent, isn't she.

by hidden_sapphire
Building Blocks

Never knew building blocks could be so fun.

by aupins
Rainbows and Gold

One may never know what will be found at the end of a rainbow.... or what can be lost!

by nibblespretzle
Sam He Am

What you doin'?

by dachshundfan
Petpetpet Park

Let's see how Petpetpet Park comes out.

by rasberrys66
A Pirate's Life

Another Blumaroo Steak!

by xlaq
Freak-out - Shoulda Put Some Pants On

Welcome to my little hut.

by ichigostars
The Gentle Cybunny

But... you said it was gentle. :(

by elassar

Always keep an eye on your petpet...

by thewinterfairy

Yeah, don't you just love that too?

by jasperware

Not the sharpest tack in the drawer, are we?

by winner19955
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Bomberry Bonanza!

These freaky-hot bubbles of joy are really delicious, but no one knows what to make of them! So I have decided to make a delicious, fiery bomberry guide so you can choose the right bomberries, and what to do with them! Bomberries grow exclusively on Mystery Island. But apparently some geniuses decided to smuggle a few and grow a new strain of bomberries in Meridell that are blue...

Other Stories


Addie and Me
When my owner made me, a green Xweetok, she thought I was the cutest. My name is just a scramble of numbers and letters...

by spiderpigkid


Stealing Dreams
Can the friendship of two Neopets survive the failure of their ultimate dream?

Also by lobstrosities

by scarvogue


Incredible Edibles - Pancakes vs. Waffles
It's a question that is long overdue. Pancakes or Waffles?

by purplepassiony2k


Bargain Priced Wearables
I've searched all over Neopia to find the affordable items for the newest sensation to hit Neopets!

by allyssa_renne


Witches in the Shadows: Part Five
Edna pushed Maria away awkwardly. "Not dead is a state I've got quite used to being in," she replied, dusting herself off.

by herdygerdy


In Other Words: Part Two
"You better hurry up and pack. We're leaving here in about an hour for the Haunted Woods."

by vanessa1357924680

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