Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 175,814,284 Issue: 418 | 13th day of Storing, Y11
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Geraptiku and the Cursed Wave, Finale!

It's finally over... :D

by buizelmaniac
Battle Potatoes: A Fiery Appearance

You'd better watch your back.

by ivie_outrage

The trouble with random events...

by houyhnhnm
The Buzzer Game!

So close... yet so far!

Art by abigail_78

by xox_cloud_xox

Water Faerie3


by cathy931206
~Juniper Sage~

On the ultimate quest for a perfect school picture...

by crabcake123
The New Qnde & Szoo #3

About new family members

by shubi5
Yurble Trouble

I WISH the faeries didn't give out this prize...

by chibino
Common Sense

Sponsored by Achyfi!

by supergirl_lazergirl
A Neo Look Neopia's Trees

by jewelia52
Discarded Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity

Talk to the Plushie.

by greenflavouredink
Jingle Jingle!

No neopet can resist...

by dinoblox
Paintbrush Complaints

Haven't you ever wondered how Maraquan pets get around?

by howstrange
Just Another Day

Nom nom . . . nom?

by miacirclegirl
Who's the Boss?


by mhchristine
Impossible Aspirations!

Some dreams can never come true...

by keller_bloom
Today's Weather or Not

I never understood the difference.

by plaquenil
Star Gazer

Gotta watch out for those meteors!

by nightillusions

Let's play a game!

by mindy_moo22
This is Normal


by ravenatore

Even if you don't have manners, someone else will.

by you_are_my_happiness
Avatar Hunting: The Kadaotery

The Kadoaties get more specific.

by candycaddy
A Good Night's Sleep


by misshamsterlover
Steps To Neopian World Domination (Part 2 of 4)

Living with an ebul villain is not so simple...

by wingsofathena
The Renegade Comic - Trick or Fool

With a cackle in the night, the Usul runs in fright. But not really.

by renegade_kitty
Common Sense Not Included


by shadeslayer96
Trick-Or-Treating in Silly Places

I do not support the harrassment of Coltzan.

by potatofox
Slow and Steady Loses the Race...

Poor slorg...

by stephanie28915
Carrot Cake!

Mmm, cake! Happy Birthday, Neopets!

by pinkpaint
Happy Birthday, TNT!

A "lil" surprise for TNT...

by decalis
Search the Neopian Times


"For Today" by xxxmagiabellexxx
She got up and rummaged through her wardrobe. What would she be today? Oh yes, a jelly maniac- the ones that insist upon a gelatin-covered world being real. To match their look, she put on a...

Other Stories


Coltzan's Midnight Guests
"How do we know where the shadow is taking us? What if it's leading us to those horrible traps that are put in shrines like these?"

Also by kewtiepiexx

by coookie18471


The Wheel Ordeal
She let out a sigh as she tried to think of what could possibly be keeping the usual wheel-spinners away...

by ecstasybliss


Cloud Raiders Guide
Does this game seem hard to you?

by lasley214


Tourism on Mystery Island: Completely Overrated
I recently spent some time on the shores of Mystery Island, and it proved to be one of the most awkward and enraging weeks through which I have ever lived.

by linkwarrior223


Shadows: Part Three
Mae gritted her teeth. Of course he'd pick one of the darkest parts of the room to hide from the shadows.

by iris220_ll


The Traitor: Part Ten
"I would not by any means wish to see you falsely accused, but nevertheless you are accused, sir, and I am a servant of the Crown."

by jokerhahaazzz

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