Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 184,867,935 Issue: 484 | 4th day of Running, Y13
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Shades and Hues 12

Shattered Purity Arc; Part 8/15

by mstr_dark
Avatar Woes


Idea by sylviau

by lilyed

Academese #4: Thyme's Intro

What a delightful business monopoly!

by prismfire
Wishing... Where?

Have you found it?

Also by alphapunkrocker

by greelon

More Hardships of...Habitarium P3s Part 8

Occasionally, the equation goes thus: Color = Confusion.

by alagfalaswen
The Mysterious Dish

No, seriously. What's a turkey?

by djudju22_8
Neopian Anomaly, Part 6

Cardinal rule of safety in horror stories: NEVER, under ANY circumstances, split up.

by lizica166
Marble Misfortune

Obsessive Battledoming...

Art by repulsives

by ava_ked



by sharkies
Techopalooza: Cheeseroller

Ke goes Cheeserolling... again.

by desert_gp_dragon2oo5
The Goofers - Horror Singer

Even singing could be a ghastly weapon...

by lintsuf

Picture Perfect!

by bartongkillershrimp
Keyquest JOYS


by leitra
Revert: Misadventures in Babysitting 1/2

That'll learn ya.

by charybdis7
An Apple a Day...


by _agile_cat
Tin Box!: Poke

Now, what have we learned?

by thegoddesofxweetok1

"...shake... shake..."

by baby_gal14522
An Illustration


by campih400
Bloopers 2

He has a right to be angry.

by mister_bloop_bloop12
Camping with a Fire JubJub


by louise_the_zero
Chance of Rain- Codestone

"Found on the floor" being a relative term here...

by mizumew
Great Expectations

An imposter inside an imposter... we need to go deeper.

by potterphileemily
Spots, Dots and Carrots

The hard life of a plushie toy.

by lovisa966
Who Took the Cookie from the Cookie Jar?


by icanhaskaila
Neohome Problems

Oh boy...

by misstrichy1
Fyora in the Morning


by mustikeuh121
No Vacancy

You have to wonder...

by tristasmith
Cunning Disguises

... a Plot Prize Tribute.

by scinnychan
In the Desert

Of course it's not just neoflu. Duh.

by una_ana
Xweetok Facts

Featuring Simon the Xwee and Prozzak_Geek the Kougra.

by spanex
Keep Your Petpetpets Indoors

Every time I open Habitarium, I imagine this happening...

by lillmonster
Tiki Tiki Tavi

He must do that a lot...

by punjambi
Any Job Will Do - Part 02


by crainwater
The Bunker - The Makeover (Part 12)

Threats and insults are, apparently, expressions of friendship.

by hubadawaha
Ive Been Thunkin'

Evil Mr. Coconut is evil. : (

by inuyashalover37
Tchea Slushie Four: Replacement

All good things must come to an end?

by manga_wolf
Search the Neopian Times


"A Petpet For Roarie" by benjithekid
It was her birthday and she could hardly wait. Roarie the Darigan Grarrl- real name Roarbgcrawr, but most pets and Neopians can't pronounce it- hadn't slept at all the night before. She should have felt tired and was sure that on any normal...

Other Stories


The Loveliest Uni
A charming story about a Uni that learns that being lovely is more than just looking pretty.

by pandora


The Discover of the Meridell Rubbish Dump
Randy the Kacheek was certainly no rich Kacheek. In fact, he was quite the opposite.

by 13snip3r7


Top 10 Evil Petpets
After all, it's no fun to take over Neopia alone!

by sami12334


The Forgotten Pets
Obscure pets and great-looking colors for them!

by movie138music


Jhudora's Journal: Part One
Instead of a warm gust of wind that I had tried to summon, a large blue orb shot from my hands...

...and through Jhudora's house.

by sheik_30999


Gina and the New Girl: Part One
"There's a new girl at Neoschool, Gina! She's in your class, and her name is Kaitlyn, and she's a yellow Ruki. Isn't that the most exciting thing in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD?"

by thediractor

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