Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 184,867,939 Issue: 489 | 8th day of Eating, Y13
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Shades and Hues 17

Shattered Purity Arc; Part 13/15

by mstr_dark
Any Job Will Do - Part 07

It's called a KILT!

by crainwater
Hoopla: Happy Negg


by _pokemon12_63
Mutual Understanding

It's like they want to know more about each other.

Idea by sfacvr

by repulsives

More Hardships of...Habitarium P3s Part 12

Being dragged around isn't much fun for a P3, really.

by alagfalaswen
Not-So Grey Day

What is this?

Also by theyellowrose

by roxanna203

DoTS # 1


by soragin
Literally ~ No fans?

The Truth Comes Out... Literally.

by pirate_cove
Neopia's Fountain of Youth

Feeling old? No problem. Just check out the legendary Fountain of Youth.

by l_like_animals
OTL: Eye Candy

Why would he eat it in the first place?

by kamagirin
Extreme Cheeserolling!

Sometimes you just need that extra little boost....

by tuxedobird
Paw Problem

"The SDB is always so COLD!"

by djudju22_8
Knitting Aishas

Plushie Aishas are made of fabric... right? So it's okay to use them for fabric.... right?!

by knimble
Team Mayhem

Acronyms!? You haven't seen acronyms till you've seen this!

by dark_moon_blossom
Neopets: In the House!

You said...

by tweakley
I Scream, Adee Screams

Alright, Adee.

by encroached
The Kadventures of Olly and Ninth: Habitarium


Also by 0llyness

by __ninth_gate__

Chance of Rain- Temper

You might do the same thing if someone took your picnic...

by mizumew

Soldiers learn to entertain themselves. xD

by pinkpaint
Remember When...?

Ah, the good old Pound Chat...

by miyaki3399
The Comic comic

The fanart is coming from inside the house...

by caterait
The Poor Pinchit :(

Click and delete!

by rythiel
Clinic Troubles: Mutant Draiks

Flow hates visual puns...

by gypsygirl20
Darigan Deeds: Hanso Pulls a Prank (Part2)

Will Hanso finally be able to pull off his prank?

by lasdarkfirewolf
How Punny!

And yourself?

Idea by bowlofpho

by lilyed

Neo Events - Happy Grey Day!

Happy Grey Day!

by ilovepuppies31
Cheesy Jokes! Grey Day

Happy Grey Day!

by cheesetwo__ff
Random Oddness

He calls himself the Games Master?

by mistyqee
Hooray for Grey Day?

Never thought I'd see a hungry kad pass up on food! Very unGREYtful.

Idea by elaborates

by winters_footsteps

Just Plain Weird - Grey Day

Starring the random grey Wocky :D

by pau_meow
Search the Neopian Times


"Confessions Of A Musically Inclined Hissi" by pandora
I remember the day with perfect clarity. I was in my later years of Neoschool, a slimy slip of a Hissi with starry, shimmering scales and bright, golden eyes. I was new to the school in Neopia Central, but I was a brave, spiny thing who slithered onto the stage with startling confidence, my head held up high. "My name is Melody," I hummed. "And I will be singing Dream by Ursa and the Usukis." It all went downhill from there...

Other Stories


Diary of an Ancient Grey Lupe: Stark Beginnings
Those days were washed from my memory by lonely howls and the light of a solitary moon.

by phadalusfish


Madison Jones and the case of the Brightvale Library
You've never heard of Madison Jones, private eye? I've solved loads of cases in Neopia Central.

by wildtail_4998


Mutant Reviews by an older fan
Some of my favorite and least favorite representatives of this often unappreciated color, rating each on a scale of one to ten.

by scythemantis


Cheerful Items for Grey Day
When presented with these symbols of joy and cheer, it is impossible for even the greyest of souls to prevent a grin from appearing on their face!

by fancifully


Happily Ever After?: Part Three
James looked surprised. "I didn't know you liked to write stories," he said, approaching the desk to get a better look.

by majikel


The Remnant: Part Seven
Lockwood was now making his way down to the archery range for the second time in as many days – a truly remarkable occurrence, given that he had no interest whatever in the sport and had never visited the place before in his life.

by jokerhahaazzz

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