Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 142,862,738 Issue: 176 | 4th day of Awakening, Y7
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Continued Series

Night Walker: Part Eight

"That's impossible, I - I can't be that! My name is Leoht_ShadowLight as you already know!"

by ruin_star
Midwinter War: Part Six

They were red. A crimson red that he had glimpsed before... With a chill running down his spine, the Scorchio remembered the pets he had battled at that field. It was the same color, the same machinelike movements and the same apathy.

by shadowcristal
Shades of Darkness: Shadow is Arising - Part Four

"Well, well, look what we caught, A THEIF!" said Celestra with delight. She raised her hand and attempted to do magic, but James's plan worked, nothing happened.

by jesse12_3
Darkness Binding 4: Part Four

"Twisted, it comes down to what you say. Will you allow Creator to speak for the council, or will you each tell your side?"

by nomad2
The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Kidnapped Kadoatie - Part Three

Lance guided us to an elevator and we stepped inside. He pushed the button for floor seven and we started to move upwards. In just seconds, the doors swung open and we followed Lance down the carpeted hall...

by playmobil_is_my_life
The Case of the Invisible Incident: Part Three

Entering the house again, I shook off the snow from my glowing fur with a shiver, glanced pointlessly around for a glance of the invisible pet...

by tambourine_chimp
The Prophecy of Four: Part Three

"I'm going to contact Kal and Sanalre," stated Tanelle. "Wait. I want to see if they experienced the same thing."

by jade_steel
The Adventures of Tarin and Zeke: The Dark Book - Part Two

Tarin looked at himself and saw that his arms and body were bandaged in a few spots. They had been carefully wrapped in soft, white cloth. He closed his eyes again, then he heard a gentle voice...

by sapphire123208
Snowglobe: Part Two

"You're the one who donated all of those?" Ria nodded as if to say, of-course-I-did-who-else? Sun blinked before shaking her head. "I can't believe it...but I'm so proud of you Ria!"

by cyborg8000
Loretta: Part Two

My heart was pounding. Would she send me away again, declaring that she didn't want to see me? Would she even remember me?

by blizzard_rose
Judgment: Part Three

The quill fell to the desk with a clatter and the light sound of something thwacking the rug could be heard. The sound moved towards one of the larger windows, taking in the sight of the new day, taking it all in, the smells the sounds, all the things that were now forbidden to it.

by orginalcliche
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Under Control

Ever dream of owning an avatar or gold trophy in Petpetsitter? Getting frustrated because you don’t have the technique and skill? Keep asking others with the high scores what to do? Well, it’s not likely that you’re not good at the game, but the problem is that you have a lack of understanding of the basics...

Other Stories


The Origin of Rivalry
Jhudora's jaw dropped. She had never, never in her whole life seen someone with so many... freckles. Quickly she realized what this faerie's weak point was.

by shadowcristal


Longing For Love
Keraki was said to be the most angry, depressed Lupe on the face of the earth. Although his owner showered him with toys and delicious foods, it never seemed to be enough.

by mexicanpuppyof_fire


Dear Roxy: Roxy Rocks
No one pushes me around, especially someone who can’t even use the litter box.

by roxycaligirl101


Hidden Treasures: Ye Olde Coffee Shoppe
Tucked away in a small corner of Neopia, lies the quiet Coffee Shop, accompanied by the much quieter Coin Shop. At some point in Neopian history, coffee fell out of favor with the masses and soft drinks arose

by blackcairn


Facts of the BD
Beating the Mootix Warrior isn't so tough.

by pheonixblaze


Sloth on the Rox
The Seven Ages of Sloth (Part 6)

by plushieowner

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