White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 105,637,792 Issue: 210 | 30th day of Gathering, Y7
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Continued Series

Ancient Neopia: Part Eleven

The group was fighting their way through the forest, following the path of dirt. It looked like a lot of people had walked these roads...

by articuno_neo
Sand Daughter: Part Four

What had happened, how did she get here? She didn't walk with Rehkek, that she knew for sure. Thinking back, she recalled the pounding of Uni hooves surrounding her, and the Acara bandit heading straight towards her, swinging his sword at her unprotected body…

Also by smurfafied1800

by sara_mossflower

BOOM!: Part Six

"We're supposed to be at the gym in one minute!" she explained. "Didn't you read the bulletin board yesterday?"

by blubblub317
When the Ghosts Come out: Part Five

She closed the door behind her and sat down on her bed. Good - now she had some space to think...

by lavendergoddess79
The Faerie Pet: Part Five

Tears began to well in my eyes. Quiggler... Lulu... Sparkler! My siblings, the ones I loved... and my Greeble, Prince... was I never to see any of them again? Was I doomed to live in the darkness forever?

by nut862
World Dominate: Over-Cheery - Part Five

Agent 53 stared after the departing Niptor, mouth agape and eyes wide in shock. How many were there that knew his name!?

by fierwym
Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Avalon’s Apprentice - Part Four

But Avalon paid no attention to the fancy chair and super-soft bed. He was pacing the teetering ship floor, claws tapping on its surface. Ash had listened to his description of what he had seen, and now watched lazily but with mounting impatience...

by cpmtiger
Trapped Within a Dream: Part Three

I am the queen of the world, she thought with no uncertainty whatsoever. No question about it, I officially PWN. I pwn j00, and I pwn j00, and j00 and j00 and j00 as well.

by chibicelchan
Who Needs a Royal Paint Brush? III: Part Three

Cuni jumped to her feet, her heart pounding so loudly she was surprised Snickers and Xrai could not hear it in the kitchen...

by 3dcourtney12044
The Return of Scarblade: Part Three

Scarblade laughed cruelly and mirthlessly. The crew of the Black Pawkeet, including its captain and first mate, accompanied by Caylis, were at his mercy. Everyone believed Isca was dead. Who could stop him now?

by funkiechunkymunkie
Darigan's Truce: Part Two

He stood brooding at the high window of his tower chamber, arms folded sternly as he regarded the green fields of Meridell miles below. His enormous Korbat ears, drawn back in contemplation, could hear the faint purring of machinery deep within the dark bowels of the Citadel...

by darkwater_nereid
Midnight over Meridell: Part Two

"Do you guys have everything?" I barked after five tedious minutes of exaggerated packing...

by ratling_guardian
Never Wish to Fly: Part Two

"Where did you get this?" he shouted. Leaving no time for her to possibly answer, he continued. "This is a space map piece! I thought it was gone for good..."

by puppy200010
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Alternative Gardening

Since I am not a big fan of getting my fingers all dirty (and I have never quite gotten the hang of the garden room format with its foreground-background layering system), I decided to take a different approach to giving my neohome a nice big yard. This article is meant to inspire other "garden-challenged" neohomers...

Other Stories


The Perfect Petpet
I entered the room to see Foxy, a cute little Christmas Doglefox, sitting and whimpering as Pup, a Christmas Puppyblew, circled around him, making fake lunges and snapping at thin air a couple inches from Foxy's face. Both Ember and Angel looked at me, then both said simultaneously, "Help!"

by wolf_queen3004


The Scratchcard
"Terlia!" cried the Cybunny shopkeeper delightedly. "Just who I need!"

by tamia_silverwing


Nutrition on a Tiny Budget
This article is a guide to feeding your Neopets well on a limited budget, whether you want to conserve Neopoints to save up for something or simply because you don't have very many.

by schefflera


An Interview With a Game Hero: a Certain Alien Aisha
There’s a certain new game called Magma Blaster that, while being a very fun game with good payout, leaves many things unanswered. I decided to see if I could find out some inside information straight from the game’s own hero, an Alien Aisha.

by nut862


Plushie of Prosperity?

by lauren_nina613


Neopian Neophyte
Ph34r the chicken! :O

by leedom111

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