Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 111,625,219 Issue: 222 | 6th day of Sleeping, Y8
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Continued Series

Shadowchild: Part Eight

I knew what I had to do. The Storm had to have some way of breaking through the Roads' disarray. Striving to concentrate, I beckoned the Storm...

by sara_mossflower
Murgoh: Part Seven

"A crazed Lupe had gathered together a massive army with the intent of taking over the plains. He attacked many packs, gathering strength as he marched east from the Haunted Woods. In time, our pack was assaulted, and many of us scattered..."

by zephandolf
Hubrid's Attempted Hero Heist: Part Six

In the morning, Jeran woke up, which was a good start. The sun was just rising, striping their campsite with long shadows and red sunbeams...

Also by schefflera

by ikkin_with_attitude

The Pirate Writer: Part Five

After sitting through all of that, I didn't make a move until now, and I was too late. Kera was trapped, and Captain Woodbeak had a fire paint brush in his fat claws...

by czenko28
The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Absent Anubis - Part Five

It was very obvious that both came from the same typewriter; if they didn't it would just be a huge and unbelievable coincidence. What if it wasn't Raia at all?

by playmobil_is_my_life
Inexorable: Part Five

Ryddle shrugged. "It's just a little hard adjusting to this life." He was eager to change the subject. "Flytta looks happy, though."

by haannsolo
Searching For Paradise: Part Four

Tye smiled. "That's brilliant!" she said. Then her face fell. "But like I said, if you get caught…"

by cpmtiger
Shattering Point: Part Three

He looked the perfect image of superiority, all of his muscles were streamlined and refined his sapphire eyes clear and secure. If it weren't for the scar below his right ear I wouldn't have remembered him at all...

by orginalcliche
The Inn: Part Two

"Who is he?" I asked in a squeaking tone...

Also by dan4884

by chocolateisamust

The Guitarist: Part Three

"Johnson!" I cried out again, louder this time, as I walked up to him. At that, he finally turned around. Seeing that it was me, Johnson gave a spiteful look before walking away again...

by scarletrhapsody
To Be a Pirate: Part Three

"Pretty close. We should be there soon…" Garin scanned the water. His sharp eyes caught sight of an island, not too far off...

by lolazgirl
Falling into the Pot - Edna's Story: Part Two

We felt the trunk moving around. When it opened, our eyes were hurt by the light. The Kau peered down at us, grinning...

by shrinkme
The Darkest Faerie Rises: Part Two

"Because, Drakar, no dark faerie alone is strong enough. But together, with you as our leader, we cannot fail."

by ewagon
Christmas Warmth: Part Three

"We could put a star at the top of the tree," suggested Emily. "We'd have to buy one, though."

by neo_star_queen
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"Now How Did This Happen?" by xzx_kittie_xzx
"Well, I really am sorry, but wasn't it YOUR idea to go to the Wishing Well in the first place? And wasn't it YOUR idea to go jump in that bucket and get lowered down? Oh, and wasn't it YOUR pudgy self that broke the rope and dragged us all..."

Other Stories


Vispian's First Friend
Her "charm" was a reject Cybunny toy, which kind of symbolized herself. Vispian was a Cybunny, and she was pretty much a reject...

by mygoodguild


He Stole IT!
She wasn't interested in her yellow, pink, purple, blue, or orange socks. Nor was she interested in her polka-dotted or striped socks. She didn't even bother to notice her white faerie or green Mortog...

by uniepuppy225


12 Most Dangerous Places in Neopia
It could go rolling down the hill into Meridell squishing all Neopets in its path. Safe? I THINK NOT!

by snoopkid8


21 Scarabs
A twist on the original blackjack, the aim is not to lose, which sounds remarkably simple, eh?

by singerofsongs


Meepit Hole
Meepit attacks!!! O_o

by spyro_inuyasha


Umm, no thanks.

by velveteen

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