There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 124,467,804 Issue: 251 | 4th day of Hiding, Y8
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Continued Series

Behind the Forbidden Door: Part Nine

Tishka frowned. "How are we going to get out?" she asked. "Do the doors to the docking bay even work?"

by sarahleeadvent
Her Spirit's Eyes: Part Eight

"But of course, poor Princess Rose wouldn't want to be overthrown," Wanda added...

by petfriendamy
The Price of Faith: Part Eight

The sand stretched out as far as the eye could see, the washed-out blue sky framed in rippling heat waves that blurred and distorted just about everything...

by mutedsanity
Blade of Fire, Blade of Ice: Part Six

"It explains many things, does it not? How I can shapeshift. Why I seemed to know everything. Why I wanted to come with you so badly..."

by danama
Pages of a Lost Past: Part Seven

I positioned myself against the pillow and slowly opened the journal to the last entry I had read. Kachie curled up on my stomach so she could read along with me...

by sibertiger9
The Lost World of Stnaltia: Part Six

"They want the energy bubbles," Blackwingedbird told him, and he could tell she was out of breath...

by silentbutterfly
True Sisters: Part Four

A rush of morning energy filled me, and without thinking I shot off into the sky...

by im_smarter_then_you
Past Reflections: Part Five

"You've heard about Tyne, yes? She was like a sister to me. We grew up together, watched over by our old adopted mother. Unfortunately..."

by smurfafied1800
Shades of Darkness: Lights in the Shadows - Part Four

"It is very rare that we come across an immortal," said Torono. "You need to start using your gift..."

by jesse12_3
Encountering Resistance: Part Four

"We've got no supply of rations, we're all positively tuckered out, and we've also lost the one thing we could have used against the Empire..."

by moosuem
The Mynci Squad: Part Three

Mono jumped and shook himself out of his enchanted state. He looked up to see Shvon and - no, it couldn't be!

by costa_rican_girl
Not Just Another Lupe Story: Part Two

"So? What do you think?" He flashed an award-winning smile in an attempt to win Cole over...

by harpyeagletimberwolf
The Peophin Incident: Part Two

"A few yards away is a house belonging to a renowned mapmaker, famous for his 'good, detailed maps.' I'm certain he wouldn't mind if we were to borrow one..."

by kyrinn
The Day 250 Struck: Part Two

The pets there all turned to stare at her. "Something evil is doing 250-related crimes all throughout Neopia!"

Also by plutoplus1

by puppy200010

A Jelly's Journey: Part Two

Angrily shoving the last of the food inside his bag, he reached for the Neopian Times. But before he could tuck it back inside the bag, he noticed something odd...

Also by sunset_rose285

by sum41girl2k

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"Totally Ordinary Story" by artistwonders
Francesca picked up her hairbrush and brushed her long blue hair back, and then she grabbed her staff, went into the bathroom to brush her teeth, and then headed down to breakfast. Her mother, a disco Aisha named Taylor, was sitting in the kitchen, sorting dishes. "Is my hair alright?" asked Francesca. "Is my dress alright? It's my first day in a story! What do I do?"

Other Stories


All For a Lenny
Inside the tower, a green Lenny looked forlornly at the pets playing happily outside...

by birdqueen804


Totally Ordinary Story
"Is my hair alright?" asked Francesca. "Is my dress alright? It's my first day in a story! What do I do?"

by artistwonders


Worst Toys EVER?! o_O
Do you know what toys your Neopets are playing with right this second? Owners may not know that playing with certain toys could affect the social and emotional development of their pet, and may even be hazardous to their health...

by purplepassiony2k


Neoschool Popularity Guide
With these simple steps in this article your pet will know how to be ahead of the gang, be cool, popular, and rule the school.

by scranamole


Only in Neopia...
Curse you, mama!!

Story by angelkitten1314

by aokajin


Major Malfunction
Did you hear?

by moonxtal

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