Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 132,843,258 Issue: 270 | 15th day of Celebrating, Y8
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Continued Series

Ailemea vs. Jenna: Part Ten

Fyora was trying to wake Jenna. "Ailemea, do you-" The faerie Queen stopped short when she turned and saw which room they had dropped into. "Oh dear..."

Also by jeanaet

by rainbow_lover852

Shad and Saura: The Story of Elversti - Part Six

"First we risk our heads getting out of the Fortress without being suspected, then we risk our heads finding the Faeries while not getting blown up or something, now we risk our heads trying to get back in the Fortress and then we'll risk whatever will be left of us to break an unbreakable spell even the Faeries couldn't figure out..."

by ssjelitegirl
The Battle for Kreludor: Part Six

"A small legion has already arrived from Moon Base 29," the Commander replied. "I believe we have enough soldiers at the moment..."

by azellica
Into the Sea: Part Three

Sasha couldn't tell if people liked her or not. She didn't know what they meant when they spoke to her. At school, a pet could say, "I like your shoes," and Sasha could take it the completely wrong way...

by sytra
In This Together: Part Three

Dearest Fiona,

I wouldn't normally write to you, but I have a few very important things to say and I can't face speaking them aloud, right in front of you...

by rainbow_daydreamer

The Hoarders: Part Two

Garbage littered the road, and the tiny houses were rotting away, the doors swinging from one hinge. "What is this place?" she asked her silent companion. "Is it, like a ghost street or something? Has it been abandoned?"

by ruff_zette
Orbulon and the Founder of Symol Hole: Part Two

The Founder led Orbulon down yet another dismal, torch-lit passage that got warmer the farther they went. This reminded Orbulon of an unpleasant experience he had on Mystery Island, so he hoped the Founder knew what he was doing...

by tashni
Hissi, Come Blow Your Horn!: Part Two

When Satch entered the diner, the room suddenly grew quiet as customers stopped eating to look at him. He waved shyly, but was greeted with odd looks. Apparently, Hissies weren't that common among Neopets yet...

by bitsy_dj
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"A Thousand Miles" by blackcairn
Ruff? Green grassy hills flowed beneath his feet. In the distance below him was a small copse of trees. He turned his head this way and that but saw no one. Ruff! The sun smiled down at him. The blue sky stretched its arms to hug the world. Fluffy, white clouds invited him to play. Ruff ruff ruff arf...

Other Stories


"Stripes, you see, has been sneaking out every night to do something suspicious, and none of my traps have ever stopped or snagged him in his process. And you add it on to the fact that he always brings that shovel with him..."

by _jadestorm_


Amayli could feel Ronni's violet eyes boring into her, analyzing her as an assistant and roommate. She didn't care. She found difficulty caring about anything anymore. Whether Ronni liked her or not, it was all biscuits to her...

by animalnutz1993


An Evening with the Follies Family
They are cranky. They are temperamental. They are the unlikely heroes of Neopia. They are the Follies family. Over the past year, three members of the Follies family have been involved in protecting Neopia from various evils and undoing wicked enchantments.

by renrenthehamster


The Only Guide to Neohomes You'll Ever Need
Neohomes are a great source of stress among Neopians. Some homes are neglected, going unfurnished and forgotten. Some are nonexistent, even, just an empty plot of land on someone's lookup...

by athena_supergirl


Normal Abnormalitys #1 : Sick Days
Neopets don't like to get sick either...

by comatose_slumber


Who knew that Faerie Bubbles could be so much fun?

by sophie_the_chick

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