Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 177,384,943 Issue: 309 | 14th day of Gathering, Y9
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Continued Series

Shad and Saura: That Other City - Part Five

Jazan covered another yawn and winced as Nabile smacked his leg under the table. "Of course, feel free to look around," she said with a smile which froze for a second as she glared at her husband...

Art by ssjelitegirl

by ssjelitegirl

The Dark Faeries' Apprentice: Part Five

She slapped a hand to her face. "I... Happiness, don't you remember Denriada? Don't you remember... what she did?"

by neo_star_queen
Star Power: Part Five

She shot her reflection in the mirror an interrogating glare. "You know what, Lena, I'm sick of you," she said to herself...

by springsteen0991
Reunited: Part Four

Shanna could hardly believe it. A feeling of uncontrollable joy and elation swept over her. "Father's here!"

by kandeegrrl
The Partnership: Part Three

I gave an inward sigh of relief. She pulled it off, I was sure of it. She had a bit of bad grammar, just like I told her, and I think I even spotted a tear forming at the corner of her eye. Not bad...

by pandabearb
The Chronicles of Knight III: End of Nightmare - Part Three

As it was, Darigan was having nightmares every time he fell asleep. He never had dreams – only nightmares. The nightmares were always the same...

by fierwym
Deep Secrets: Part Four

The rings really did go well with his fiery skin. The red and gold almost blended; the turquoise stood out. King Nassei was pleased...

by extreme_fj0rd
The Mystery Behind Neoschool: Part Three

"Like I said before, there's no way those builders are going to ever let us know about Neoschool. What we have to do is blend in..."

by zuziafruzia
A Different Kind of Quest: Part Two

Illusen, the Illusen, had given her advice, and she had admitted to making mistakes - and had urged Madie to make more! Of course it was...

by x__sayitaintso__x
Sloth's Time Machine: Part Two

"Yeah," the shadow Kyrii sighed. "But I just wish that something interesting would happen..."

Also by jamesuk2

by azellica

I, Sloth, King of Meridell...: Part Two

Sloth and I had been waiting in line for five hours, and we had just gotten to the front entrance. We were next. I looked up at my 'father', my heart hammering in my chest. What would happen if we failed? What if Skarl didn't like us?

Also by sytra

by chocolateisamust

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Chocolate Ball!

A buzz of excitement is in the air. Hordes of Neopians are walking toward the one, the only, Annual Chocolate Ball. Most are turned away at the door, for they have no invitation (granted only to the best of Neopia) in their paws, hands, or hooves. This reporter has managed to grab an invite from an innocent passerby (it was all in the name of journalism!), and is now standing inside the Chocolate factory...

Other Stories


Outsider Within: Cap'n Barlow
"Pirates are the great sea dogs, masters of the briny deep, rebels, fighters for freedom—definitely not tea drinkers..."

by tashni


The Blumaroo Who Lost His Bounce
"Don't mock my hobby. I love bouncing." The Starry Blumaroo grinned enthusiastically. "Better than...

by zaidah


Sifting Through the Sewers: A Guide to Sewage Surfer
The basic premise of Sewage Surfer is that the Neopian Central Sewer System hasn't been repaired in years...

by togepi_forever


"I Flew into a Tree" -- and More Wacky Excuses
Let me ask you this: how many times have you tried "My Puppyblew ate my homework"? NO MORE.

by playmobil_is_my_life


Don't Trust The Pant Devil!
My lupe Vermanee was tricked by the Pant Devil!

by deluxe_cheeseburger


Don't underestimate a bug the size of your thumb. ;)

by srsddgrl

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