Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 177,384,889 Issue: 314 | 19th day of Collecting, Y9
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Continued Series

Shad and Saura: That Other City - Part Ten

"He'll get himself killed like that!" shouted a female Elephante, staring at the sky. Deki's sword flashed...

Art by ssjelitegirl

by ssjelitegirl

The Partnership: Part Eight

"So I was hiding in a big bush, when I looked back and saw that Firestone and Snorkle had caught you guys. I watched them lead you into that cave and saw Rimlen following with those boxes..."

by pandabearb
The Chronicles of Knight III: End of Nightmare - Part Eight

How would she be able to return home? Darigan had been able to fly her out of the Dark Side of the World to the Light Side and beyond to the Citadel, but Darigan was not here this time...

by fierwym
Deep Secrets: Part Nine

When Demetrius came to, he was lying on a slab of stone somewhere under the ground. He sat up and felt his head. There was no sound, except for a trickle of running water somewhere...

by extreme_fj0rd
Sunshine and the Sphere: Part Six

He had no doubt how a fight with Copper would end. The silence was broken briefly by a loud thump, and Rae knew Copper had jumped into the basement...

by punctuation_ninja
The Silent City: Part Five

Now Ashie could see other shadows sparkling, other figures stepping into the bleak lamplight of the street. She stepped backwards in horror...

by xialavin
Blue's Way: Part Four

Blue shook his head. "Oh no. No, we don't have time to go to Neopia Central. I'm just going to have a bit of the Rainbow Pool brought to me..."

by kimssuperanimals
What Am I?: Part Five

"This scar," he began in a low tone, barely more than a whisper, as if needing the answer but almost loathing to hear it. "How did I get it?"

by sarahleeadvent
Ultimate Decision: Part Four

She had been waiting for what seemed like an eternity, and in some respects it had been nearly that long. But the Darkest Faerie's wait was all the more painful now that she was awake...

by reggieman721
Highrock Pack History Songs: Song for Three Voices - Part Three

Shriek growled, frustrated. She was used to being teased about her coloration. She had to admit, faerie wasn't the most intimidating of colors...

by shinkoryu14
The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Exported Eustabees - Part Two

I didn't need the signpost to find the street. At least two-dozen Neopians crowded the yards and sidewalks, all chatting animatedly...

by playmobil_is_my_life
The Fine Art of Battle: Part Two

This sword was much heavier than even the wooden practice blade. I could barely hold up the hilt, let alone lift the blade from the ground. Everyone watched me struggle...

by sweetie_butterfly
The Mutant Prince: Part Three

When Tarquinn left his room his face was pale, his eyes rimmed in red; he was a nervous wreck, and the party he had announced for that afternoon at his mansion filled him with dread...

by maipom
Marketplace of Memories: Part Two

I tried to scream, to hold her back, to tell her in any way I could that the pet at the door was not her little sister. My efforts were in vain. Brushing her dusky-blue fringe from her eyes she placed a paw on the handle and pulled open the door...

by yatomiyuka
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"A Change of Name" by eternal_flame_5
"Hey, Hayden! Or Miley! Or Crystal, or Cat, or whatever you're calling yourself this month!" I awoke to the insane-sounding shouting of my owner, Danielle. I groaned inwardly; she didn't even remember the name I had chosen for this month! Once I was downstairs and eating breakfast, she asked...

Other Stories


Hugs By The Hundreds
"We should sell something," said Sable...

by sugarbarbiedoll_x3


Kauvara's Magic Camp
This year, Mom had a surprise for me. After school finished for the summer, she sent me to Magic Camp for the summer...

by josee225


Radically Insane Extreme Potato Counter Game Guide
The payout for playing Extreme Potato Counter is way above average when compared to most of the other games...

by chaos_lives


Winning the Caption Contest
The captions with the most votes win. You can win from 5000-10,000np, a trophy, and an item...

by sylviau


A Spooky Halloween, part 3
Esophagor's Quest

by ghostkomorichu


Sometimes being evil makes you more popular...

by x_seabee_x

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