Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 180,843,691 Issue: 399 | 2nd day of Swimming, Y11
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Continued Series

The Curse: Part Seven

It was time, Lockwood had decided, to locate the cravat.

by jokerhahaazzz
An Iliad: Part Five

Carefully, Azure stepped out and was escorted by her two guards along a corridor. She kept her eyes peeled for an opportunity for escape...

by eternus_dragon
Roomies 4: Part Seven

Jhudora whipped out her wand. "Come on, Illusen," she said, nudging the sobbing earth faerie at her side. "We have to get out."

by vanessa1357924680
A Very Neovian Election: Part Five

"Enchanted? Have you hit your head? My pastries contain no artificial flavourings whatsoever!" the Crumpetmonger told him.

by herdygerdy
The Broken Soul: Promises and War - Part Five

There was always the uncertainty that he wouldn't be the perfect king for all of his citizens...

by ayame_23
Flying High: Part Six

The entire crew were standing on the bow, holding their breath as the Sweet Fyora sailed closer and closer to Faerieland...

by bugsypal9
Slippery Soup: Part Four

"Hello, how are the soups coming along? I hope my recipes are clear enough..."

by black_skull725
Snowfall's Solstice: Part Four

Taelia coughed. "Claire, I believe you were here for a quest?"

by soupfaerie_best
In The Yooyu Cage: Part Three

Now there was absolutely nothing to stop the other Yooyus from believing that he was 100% evil...

by hidden_cloak
400 Steps in the Darkness: Part Four

Did the inhabitants of Meridell know where the Aisha Enchantress resided? Living so close to her, I expected them to at least have heard rumours.

by iloenchen
Molly - Back to The Box: Part Two

He didn't check Molly's room on the way down; she liked to sleep in and he did not want to wake her.

by orlando_bloom_bigfan
A Single Prediction: Part Two

"We have heard many good things about you, Detective. You are viewed with the highest regards by your previous clients."

by be2aware
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"Serendipity" by mewberry101_88
"Well, I've been entering your personality into tests that tell me the hobby most suited for you and the test results have proven that your ideal hobby would be... hold on, drum roll please." I pounded my paws on the table. "Your hobby would be..."

Other Stories


Save the Band Geeks!
We could tell immediately something was wrong.

by laurapet131


Sophie versus the Existence of Jelly World
Once somebody says that Jelly World is real, you know that they are immeasurably insane.

by a_greenparrot


A Puzzling Game entitled Roodoku
Do you enjoy puzzles involving numbers?

by lakefox


Mysteries of the Altador Cup
Do the meepits secretly have something to do with the Altador Cup? Dr. Sloth?

by mark600929


Chibi Adventures
Avatar Aftermath

by kristykimmy


Just... just DON'T TOUCH IT!... any more...

by furaiki

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