Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 183,437,693 Issue: 474 | 17th day of Celebrating, Y12
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Continued Series

Illusions of Grandeur: Part Eight

I coughed and croaked out, "Not what you expected?"

by kittengriffin
Ties That Bind: Part Nine

The Gelert frowned. "Now you're catching on."

by merlynia
Hot Herb Tea and a Happy Ending: Part Eight

It was impending destiny.

by ellbot1998
The Case of the Missing Eye: Part Three

I had five suspects, with separate motives and opportunities.

by patt788
The Witching Hour: Part Three

Rosaline watched silently as Lillian filled a backpack with supplies for their journey.

by icy_catalyst
The Usuki Singing Stars #2: A Surprise for Lola - Part Four

"There is no way I'm going to the Pound with you guys," she assured them. "I am so not going to see Mr. Freaky and actually stay there for you, Lola, just because you can't suck in your girly feelings."

by downrightdude
I'll be Home for Christmas: Part Two

Standing at the base of Terror Mountain and looking up is a daunting sight that can take the wind right out of you and replace your stomach with butterflies. It's even worse when the weather is terrible.

by fuzzymonkey31
Ninja Faellie Diaries: Part Two

"Then why did you leave a decoy in your bed?" Chris asked, holding up the pink Doglefox plushie. "You were trying to make me think you were still asleep!"

by luna4400
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year...?: Part Two

What would her friend say now? So you saved him from the Pound, only to, not even a year and a half later, dump him there yourself? I trusted you with him, Phersephi!

by thediractor
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"The Waffle Truth" by crovv
Unfortunately, for the past month or so, a giant Mutant Lenny had perched itself on the roof of their house, staring malevolently at Trish whenever she left or returned to their home. Trevy was not particularly bothered by the Lenny, but Trish could not stand the fixed, beady glare, the bobbing head at the end of that long, crooked neck, the giant, heavy wings that opened and closed with a creaky, snapping...

Other Stories


Another Day to Fish
Suddenly the shadow was no longer a shadow, but a titanic giant squid! Its eye came up and looked at me.

Also by icanhaskaila

by midnight_009


We Truly Were
Leaves rustled in the cool fall air. A whisper of despair calling out into the openness.

by nirette


The Beauty of Krawks
Are Krawks the elite pets of Neopia?

by blackwater444


Stay Warm This Winter
A few tips on keeping your Neopet warm.

Also by pisces_babe_

by hotredfirefaerie


Not Thought Through
Not only is Xandra evil...

by ilia_twilight


A Colour-Blind Christmas 1 of 2
Now in frostbite inducing colour!

by subzeroace

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