Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 189,988,201 Issue: 564 | 28th day of Gathering, Y14
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Continued Series

Tales from Neopia Central: Part Eleven

"Yes, Professor," Fiscal agreed. "Talking is the normal reason people come to speak with me. Aside from Professor Doogan, the man who devoted his life to studying mime artists."

by herdygerdy
I Will Stand Alone: Part Six

Kiri said, her voice small, "Could you win if you fought him?"

Jazan merely shrugged. "Maybe." If Razul were half-asleep. And dizzy.

by saphira_27

Never Finish Last: Part Six

"I upset a lot of people and possibly burned a few bridges for the sake of my ego. What I'm trying to say is that whatever happened on my team in Brightvale I hope that wouldn't happen here..."

Art by renzyboy

by renzyboy

The Quest to Thorn Bridge Castle: Part Four

The Haunted Woods seemed so very... cold. There was very little moonlight that penetrated through the towering trees, and what did was of small comfort to Caitiry.

Also by thropp

by sandrilene

The Legend of Premium Bat

Battius woke as Thorn wheeled above Faerieland and directed him straight to the castle. He smoothed his rumpled clothing as they landed in the castle courtyard.

Also by jair_lorce

by crocodile_babiez

Petpet Adventures: Windrider - Part Five

The morning brought grey clouds and the sight of sails on the horizon. Plumbeard stood on the quarterdeck, staring thoughtfully...

by rachelindea
His Name is Kribal: Part Three

Keeping one wary eye on the screen, she turned her attention instead to the desk, its top adorned with a handful of neatly arranged files...

by d_morton
Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Confliction - Part Four

"I walked away and let him go. I didn't even think about it, and yet I knew I'd do it again if I were in the same situation..."

by kristykimmy
Masquerade: Part Two

She flapped her wings awkwardly as she slipped her way down the icy slopes of the caverns. Suddenly, the Snowager appeared behind her, enraged and chasing her at full speed!

Also by bookworm7

by sin_hui_ryoma

Storm of Fortunes: Part Two

"Have you had much experience with wraiths, Mister Tyson?" he asked.

"No, sir."

"You know of their reputation, though?"

by thorndove

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Rare Petpets

Suppose you're a multi-millionaire, and have the means to spare no expense in providing your Neopet with the very best? If you are fortunate enough to fit the above description, then this guide is for you. When it comes to rare and expensive Petpets, you really are spoilt...

Other Stories


Based on Appearances
My owner didn't find me in the normal fashion. I wasn't found in some Petpet Shop.

by warriorsrock965


The Misfortunate Travels of Lemuel Gelert
Since I was young, I have been possessed by a strong desire to explore those portions of Neopia not covered by land...

by patt788


Wrath of the Snowager Trophy Guide
You, the Snowager, are the victim of a thief Chia that is taking your treasures under your nose. Your mission, of course, is to recover all the stolen items.

by nicanorduarte


Assignment 53 - A Guide to Getting the Avatar
The best way to win is to practice. I do not expect you to get the avatar the first time through (though that would be quite impressive if you did), and you shouldn't either.

by return_of_weatherbee


The Goofers - A Makeover, part 2
Nooo! Not the hair!

by lintsuf


Comic of Misfortune- Old Friends 2
Well, at least he tried to help.

by mutantte

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