There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 194,845,150 Issue: 800 | 6th day of Collecting, Y19
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Continued Series

Master of Ceremonies: Part Six

A stunning, beautified version of her old self—dressed in sunflower yellow and decked out with flowered, flowing braids—appeared in the mirror.

by sin_hui_ryoma
The Princess of Flowers: Part Eleven

Still burning with questions—and anger—she sat down on the bed’s blue and white checked bedspread.

by downrightdude
The Poossession: Part Three

The more in sync we are, the more believable we'll be.

by ag1228l
Young Jhudora and Queen Fyora: Part Eight

She quickly memorized the New Fae number system so that she could excel.

by rocksysmom
The Travels of A Would-Be Knight: Imperiled Exam: Part Two

When Roxias got up to do his daily forms the next day, he found Scout in the kitchen, muttering under her breath as she glared at some kou-jong tiles she’d set up on the table.

by daniecelpines
We Ought Never To Have Done It: Part Two

The fallen sun meant that they soon had to break out their flashlights, fresh from some Virtupets manufacturing rig, and the artificial light highlighted the disturbed ground in even clearer detail.

Also by icanhaskaila

by emblo93

Funny Faerie: Part Four

The final part to the funny faerie series...

by trixietrotter
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"The 800th Zap" by golden1188
Most pets were afraid of the Lab Scientist and his Lab Ray, and Mack understood that fear. He could remember the first time he tried it: the way his stomach did somersaults, his knees shaking so badly he could barely step onto the platform, and the Scorchio with a crazed glint in his eye. Although he had gotten a feeling that he should run far, far away, some type of steeled determination inside him made him step up to the platform and face the ray head on. After a burst of light and a weird tingly feeling, Mack opened his clenched eyes. "You’re a little faster now," the Scientist said nonchalantly, turning the ray off. "Two movement points more, to be exact." "That’s it?" Mack had asked. "That’s it. You can come back tomorrow." Nowadays, when it came to the Lab Ray, Mack had no fear. He went every day, saying hi to the Scorchio, and awaiting what change he would feel today. Usually it wasn’t much. Sometimes he got a little stronger or lost some defense. Sometimes there were no changes at all. On really unlucky days, he would go all the way back to level one or even change gender. It was always hard to adjust to being a girl, but Mack usually managed. Fortunately, he had stuck as a boy for quite some time now. On the best days, he would change species or color. Those were always fun. Mack had been nearly every species under the sun at this point. His favorite memory was of being a Robot Mynci. That was really neat. Mack had been zapped so many times he almost couldn’t remember what he started as. But every so often he pulled out his photo album of all the different species and colors he had been and went all the way back to the first page. The first time he ever went in, he was just a dorky red Moehog. But right now, he was a proud Desert Poogle. Mack hadn’t changed color or species in a while, but he was okay with that. He liked the way he looked at the moment and hoped he could keep it that way for a while. He fit right in at the Lost Desert and it made haggling with the shopkeepers there easier.

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The Most Thorough Gormball History Lesson, Part 3
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Claare's 800 Reasons for Sending Fanmail
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by fanlia

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