Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 194,924,132 Issue: 806 | 17th day of Storing, Y19
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Continued Series

We Ought Never To Have Done It:Part Eight

Three weeks passed, and the drilling progressed exactly as Hamm O’Grady had scheduled it.

Also by icanhaskaila

by emblo93

The Magical Transporter:Part Four

Katniss couldn’t get herself to calm down. It had been a while ago when Calleigh and Amy had disappeared.

by hallie035
My Childhood Neohome: Part Five

Hunting for Treasure...

by jillcrash
Skipping School:Part Five

It was then that many things happened in very quick succession.

by invalid
Clara Chatham Shenkuu Plot: Part Three

Clara Chatham visits the Royal Palace

by restisunwritten
AAA and Abigails Astounding Race:Part Three

The queen laughed. “Oh! No need to worry, little one. You would be surprised at how often that happens!

by ilhs11
Ballindalloch: Part Four

Albert, my good friend, tell me; could I ask you a question?

by dewdropzz
Hitomi the Witch: Part Three


by downrightdude
A Sister's Business:Part Two

And with those words, Casey saw her brother visibly deflate. His ears fell back and he floated a little lower to the ground.

by nikibogwater
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"Albert the Kacheek's Birthday" by butterflybandage
"Where is that darned shopkeeper at?" The young Kacheek grumbled to himself, holding a lantern high above his head, cradling a (very expensive) Gorerito with his left hand. The night sky was speckled with bright silver stars and the sound of feral Petpets’ growls, hoots, and yips filled the chilly air. As spooky as the scene was, the Kacheek was accustomed to the ambience and was more concerned with finding that darned Bruce. This was a typical night for Albert. Having been kidnapped by the Esophagor years earlier, the Kacheek spent his days (and evenings) fetching spooky foods for the strange creature. Often on this trips alone, he would imagine what his life would’ve been like if he never wandered into the Haunted Woods that fateful day. What his garden would look like; how many new species of flora were discovered; if the Buzzes that lived in his garden were doing well … he dreamt of a day where he could accomplish the Esophagor’s quest in time, where he could leave the Mutant Graveyard, where he could have his precious flowers. But that day was not today, especially if he couldn’t find that darned Bruce. Albert had already finished his daily quota of quests (which is ten), but when he was carving funny depictions of the Esophagor on a gravestone, he heard his name being called. He huffed and made his way towards his master, and gawked when the giant blob had the gall to ask for an eleventh quest. When Albert tried to refuse, the Esophagor threatened him mercilessly. When that didn’t work, the Esophagor began throwing rocks.

Other Stories


Albert the Kacheek's Birthday
Sometimes you’re dealt a bad hand, but that doesn’t mean you give up. You find the positive.

by butterflybandage


Fall From Grace
Her arms were full of books, as usual. "I’ve come to return these and check out more."

by cosmicfire918


Four Legged Friends (FLF) Fall 2017
As the leaves change colour and the air turns to a cool, crisp breeze, it is time to check out some of the Fall 2017 NC customization items.

Also by 987654321_hj

by piinkskullz


Rare Stamps and Where They Came From
Whatever type of stamp collector you are, I am sure you know that there are some stamps that are incredibly, ridiculously rare. Many stamps are worth well over 1 million neopoints a piece, but some of the rarest stamps are so hard to find you might be at the owner’s mercy!

by dottie27a


Guess the Character 4
Do you think you know everything about Neopia? Time to find out!

by dtrg


Petpet love
Didn't see that one coming...

by anhong_12

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