Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 195,327,629 Issue: 841 | 28th day of Gathering, Y20
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Continued Series

Lupe Pack Detectives-Copycat:Part Six

After days of preparation, which included ‘scouting’ reports from a couple of Neopian Times and Neopian Post Office deliverers and the Neohome Builders Association, we were ready for the battle.

by lupe_hunter_7
The Flood that Brought Trouble:Part Four

Spike, Yan, Kon, Keen, Lazir, Ursula, and Julian all looked over to see where Kimmy was pointing and could see movement in the water as a pair of bone horns broke the water tension. “Kon, push us away now!” Julian shouted.

by hannahcreep
The Princess and the Crook:Part Two

The second part of my journey ended without any trouble. Hugo’s ship landed on Mystery Island at sunset, and we slept at Jhuidah’s place.

by chlo26
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"The Princess and the Crook:Part Two" by chlo26
The second part of my journey ended without any trouble. Hugo’s ship landed on Mystery Island at sunset, and we slept at Jhuidah’s place. She seemed really happy to see me « Ane!! Long time no see! How is Lina? Is she doing well with her new family? » As I said earlier, Lina lived with Jhuidah during her childhood. During one of our trip to Mystery Island, Lina introduced me to the Island faerie. « Well… Lina is okay, but that’s not the case of Nala… » And I told her the whole story… « Oh my… That’s horrible! You can stay here with your friend as long as you need to! You must be hungry! I’ll cook you something good, just sit on the sofa and make yourself at home. I’ll be back in no time! » I was alone in the living room with Hugo when I suddenly remembered that I still had the gift I made for him during our journey. It was a pair of glasses with a special system that was directly connected to the brain.

Other Stories


The Quiggle’s Quest
Quarkley the Quiggle was no cheat. Sure he liked to play Cheat, and of course he sometimes lied about which cards he was playing. That was the nature of the game, wasn’t it?

by quigglebaby


10 Avocado Items for the Avocado Lover!
Ah, the avocado. A green fruit containing a single, large pit. It is apparently a type of berry, but for the sake of things, we'll just call it a fruit. The flavor of the avocado is rather difficult to describe. Not exactly sweet, but not quite savory either... the avocado is truly the most unique fruit. From various foods, to beauty products, to other oddities, the avocado is a very diverse fruit that deserves to be celebrated!

by sparkgal


What the Altadorian Constellations Mean for You -3/3
Welcome to the third and final installment of “What Altadorian Constellations Mean for You.” Thank you to those of you who have stuck by me during the first two volumes. I hope you will find this final piece worth the wait.

by kayahtik


Charlie's Revelation

by rafa_potter


The REAL Reason It's Called The Month Of Hiding
Seek immediate shelter

by asterozoa

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