This editorial is brought to you by Hard to Tame!
I have to say, the NC areas that add a bit of story to this site are the best ones, even if we’re only in it for the wearables. So I was excited by the theme of this year’s Altador Cup NC element, Forgotten Relics of Altador. But then I read the opening paragraph where it claimed Altador was originally a land called Schrommos that was full of monsters when King Altador found it. This directly contradicts the Altador plot’s Book of Ages, which claims the Altador area was idyllic when he initially found it. Will the rest of the event be filled with such inconsistencies? Please research better in the future. Actually, the Hall of Heroes in Altador has a mosaic floor pattern that contains a detailed account of the beginning of Altador. It was deciphered with the help of a translation spell by Roberta in ‘The Darkest Faerie'. Here’s part of it - "A very long time ago, these lands were overrun by terrible monsters. Twelve heroes arose and joined forces to defeat these monsters and create Altador. The city grew into a vast empire that lasted thousands of years." Does it contradict the account in the Book of Ages? No. What Altador saw in Schrommos was lush plains, perfect for farming, next to a beautiful shoreline. A wise main, he realized the place had geographical properties that could support a large population of Neopets. As for the monsters - they could be defeated, and they were. In fact, the Book of Ages makes further mention of Altador’s quest against the monsters in the land in The Sleeper’s story - 'A terrible menace was plaguing a peaceful farmland, and a hunter journeyed forth to slay the beast.' The story goes on to explain that there were more monsters, of which Altador and the Darkest Faerie kill one each, and then return to his village to celebrate their victory.
So, there are a good number of users who didn't use their perks from the last CC the moment they came out. Considering that Bank Bribary and Cheaper by the Dozen are supposed to have a duration of 365 days it shouldn't really matter when it was activated. Nowhere does it say the perks will stop working as soon as the new perk shop opens! But that is what happened. Please consider fixing this! This has been fixed. Buying either of the two perks while you have last year’s perk active will extend the duration of the perk by one year from its previous end date.
Hi there TNT! I was wondering what's going on with the Storytelling competition. It's been over a month since it last updated and the story didn't even finish. I was waiting for it to restart so I could try it again... can you please take a look at it? *-* Well, I’ve been wondering the same! Why won’t anyone submit an ending to the story? Perhaps another reminder in the news will help. Yes, that’s what I’ll do.
The book is r89, released 24 may, 2019 but cannot yet be obtained The book should now be obtainable!
Hi TNT, In editorial 867 you had mentioned that you should have an update on the Skarl Charm prize and what you will be doing about it. Could we hear about this now please? That’s right. We have verified that no one has gotten the item yet, and that the odds of getting it are ridiculously high, and that there was a cough cough cough cough cough bug cough cough cough. We will reconsider the odds of getting the charm based on consultation within the team, and we will confirm once the changes are done.
In the description for the CC Random Acts perk is says "guarenteed POSITIVE random event every day". People aren't getting positive random events. Fungus exploding and taking neopoints is negative. Captain Scarblade laughing is neutral. Was this intentional? A lot of people feel rather lied to and cheated by it. That was not intentional. I have alerted the team, who will be removing those two. We also went through the list again and found one more random event that wasn’t positive and that’s being removed too, so hopefully that’s taken care of.
I feel like you may need all of the cookies in the world after the CC!! *Makes it rain cookies* The perks that were disabled (like Zapped!), will they be coming back for us to use? or are they being disabled for good? I saved up specifically to get a hoagie kad ;) Also thank you for getting to my ticket about it so quickly! I was relieved to get the points back that I spent on it when it didn't work :) Thank you! The disabled perks are certainly coming back. Zapped in particular has been set up and looks ready to go. All that’s left is some thorough testing, and if we don’t find any bugs, you can expect to see it next week!
Hi Team, I had 2000 Points eaten from me during the Evening of June 11, 2019 at approximately 7:10pm NST. I tried to roll the "Perk Me Up" Option, when a blank pop up screen came up. All it said was "Congrats, you've got ......" Then nothing. No indication of what perk was rolled. I refreched the page, and my 2000 points was deducted, and I have no indication of what perk was applied. Can I please have a refund for my points? Also, I've been trying perk me up for about 40 Spins, and the same 3 - 4 options kept appearing. Is this normal to get so many "Can I keep this"? Thanks a bunch! We’ve been getting reports of this happening through the ticketing system, and have been refunding points to users who have faced this problem. If you haven’t already, make sure to send in a ticket about this!
Hi TNT, *gives cookies* I was wondering if the normal Gordos random event and the Gordos event from Random Acts work the same. Is it true that you can get a r99 stamp from either one of these random events or just the Random Acts? Thanks for any answer =). Both random events are the same, and it is possible to get a rarity 90+ item from it. Good luck getting one!
 Donny's Corner:
Donny was heavily focused on fixing charity corner bugs this week.
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