Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 90,554,371 Issue: 172 | 7th day of Sleeping, Y7
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New Series

Mordegan: Poogle Rights Advocate - Part One

"Look CC! The race is starting," he exclaimed, grinning in anticipation. A trumpet blared, and the Poogles were off!

by battlesunn
Notable: Part One

"It was a really hard Holiday song, but I played it so well, didn't I?" Mala was oblivious to the fact that she stunk at clarinet playing.

by pandabearb
Hannah Meets Hannah: Part One

"Hannah, the real Hannah, is coming to Neopia Central TODAY!" replied Hannah Jewel. "You can meet her in person and get her autograph for FREE!"

by alicia_jewel
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Insert Token Please

You slowly bring your valuable token up to the slot. The token falls in. You pick your favourite cola, and out comes your prize. You were lucky this time, only a booby prize. Nobody knows how this mystifying machine works. It is located in the middle of Kreludor, the only moon of Neopia. It all starts with a trip to the Shop Wizard. The different colors of tokens available include red, green and blue, all ranging around 14,000 Neopoints...

Other Stories


The Friendship Quest
"We are a great team at doing her quests," said the Zafara, whose name was Mitzi. The two friends smiled at each other as they finished eating.

by mistystar555


The First King of Geraptiku
So what is known about the ruined city of Geraptiku? Historians believe that a king ruled with an advisor and council of twelve. But what was the king like?

by star_crystal


Why Gnome Collecting is the Next Big Thing
Gnomes are not just those potato-shaped “little people” in funny pointed hats and boots that the crazy old lady down the street collects. No my friend, they are much more...

by aushri


Seven Dreadful Days
Each day is more dreadful than the other, except for one of them; the challenge is for you to figure out which one...

by orginalcliche


Learning a Lesson
Don't take things from strangers.

by lalafantasy_girl


Totodum and Turtumdee: Wake Up Calls
Some Petpets just don't learn...

by tambourine_chimp

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