Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 124,467,804 Issue: 251 | 4th day of Hiding, Y8
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New Series

"Your Hands Glow Blue For A Moment...": Part One

"You've heard the stories! Amazing things happen to people who visit the shrine! We might get a Paintbrush, or a million Neopoints, or buried pirate treasure, or..."

by silvormoon
A Water Faerie’s Tears: Part One

Long ago, in a far-off corner of the kingdom of Brightvale, there lived an old blue Bori woodcutter and his family...

by yaya269101
The Kougra Klan: Part One

Riyita was a lonely Aisha; she had no brothers or sisters, and lived alone. Her house was a small cottage...

by ikea_sale
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"Totally Ordinary Story" by artistwonders
Francesca picked up her hairbrush and brushed her long blue hair back, and then she grabbed her staff, went into the bathroom to brush her teeth, and then headed down to breakfast. Her mother, a disco Aisha named Taylor, was sitting in the kitchen, sorting dishes. "Is my hair alright?" asked Francesca. "Is my dress alright? It's my first day in a story! What do I do?"

Other Stories


The Trust Game
"I see many of you know how to play. But for those who don't, it's very simple: allow yourself to fall backward, trusting your partner behind you to catch you..."

by animalnutz1993


The Past Revealed
Alton thought about it. He couldn't tell the truth, could he? About Hanna's Princess, and that mysterious stranger?

by annaleetang


Neoschool Popularity Guide
With these simple steps in this article your pet will know how to be ahead of the gang, be cool, popular, and rule the school.

by scranamole


An Editorial - Tandrak Shaye Style
And now, without further ado, here are the questions Tandrak Shaye, that lovable Darigan Gelert, answered for us.

by skycrowmor


Qnde & Szoo: Troublesome Petpets
Some Petpets are just unpredictable...

by shubi5


The Giant Omelette is GONE!

by betaflix

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