A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 125,893,067 Issue: 254 | 25th day of Hiding, Y8
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New Series

The Story of a Weapon: Part One

Why were these people watching her? Why wouldn't they leave her alone? Why was she even there? Where was her mother... Did she even have a mother?

by proud_taurus_chic
Needed Adventure: Part One

"Yes, well, it's a bit hard to explain, but there's someone I'd like you to meet-- someone who I was hoping you could take in..."

by tdyans
They'll Never Hear a Word We Say: Part One

She made her way downstairs after making sure she looked perfect. It was not every day you went to school for the first time...

by sytra
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"The Eyes of Imari" by micrody
I am a Dark Faerie and my name is Imari. I reside within the Ice Caves of Terror Mountain, where many Neopians feel the need to explore. I have no wish for explorers of my abode. I left the perky, cheery clouds of Faerieland to get away from the joy...

Other Stories


The Pink Witch
Mum had said that someone - a witch - was moving in, and if he kept messing around in the garden the witch would turn him into a frog. Kipper was unconcerned...

by rhoc


"You can't do that, Freefall!" I snapped at my owner. "Just getting a pet from the Pound and turning it Mutant..."

by freefalldreams


Finding the Perfect Petpet for under 15,000
How can you find the perfet petpet for your pet without breaking the bank? Let me show you!

by scranamole


Be Careful When Painting Polarchucks!
Polarchucks are fantastic petpets - until you paint them.

by starlet87


Boredom at its Max
That sly, sly faerie.

by toad_on_the_road338


Calamiity's Calamities

Story by vollyballgal

by foiblefoible

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