Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 181,925,343 Issue: 317 | 9th day of Storing, Y9
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New Series

Wannabe Pirates: Part One

"Please, Steel," Jaeger griped, "you don't have to follow me everywhere. Especially on Krawk Island..."

by steelseatimber
The Atlas Saga, Book One - Return to Neopia: Part One

I stood up straight as memories began rushing back to me. Memories about a world long forgotten...

by spiderboy9115
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Heroing How-To

While the Defenders of Neopia are unparalleled in their successes, it is not an easy job, and retirement often rolls around prematurely as superheroes find themselves incapable of putting up with the strenuous barrage of radioactive emissions, fireballs, electric shocks, and corny puns thrown at them by villains. The Defenders are always looking for brave new recruits to take on the mask and mantle of a hero. The first step towards an illustrious position...

Other Stories


There's a Monster in my Bedroom
"Suuure," he replied casually, playing along with her little game. "Look, Naala, every kid goes through these phases..."

by spotlightstarzafara


Rise Above
"Mommy, those pets aren't wearing anything!" a small Kacheek piped, pointing at the crowd beneath the Money Tree...

by rydeordiechic576


Light Is the New Dark
Light Faeries are terribly evil.

by castaway155


How to Survive your Post-Halloween Candy-Fest
There are those that rationed their candy sensibly, sampled a few and saved the rest of their stash for later. We must all take note from this latter group, for they are the ones who enjoy Halloween to its fullest...

by evie_firebolt


The Hypno Goggles
*puts on hypno goggles* Yoouuu will reeadd thiiis commiiicc...

by fantasticdora


Tiny But Tough - Not Alone There
When the words just slip out...

by crazy_kathy

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