Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 177,117,134 Issue: 320 | 30th day of Storing, Y9
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New Series

Beginning of a Legend: Part One

Garin peered around the deck. "The coast is clear," he whispered. They climbed aboard the ship and slipped below deck without a sound...

by medit92
Abu's Exam: Part One

The green Xweetok had locked herself in her room, and poured over gargantuan volumes – history; astronomy; physics; math; English; Altadorian – the list was endless. She was preparing for the Imperial Exam...

by dittox2004
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Planning Your Holiday

Consider yourself stress-free, heading towards a vacation you deserve, while your Neopets enjoy their best holiday season yet! There's a catch. Your favourite vacation spot will be packed with holiday-bound tourists in no time, and you need to act immediately...

Other Stories


Thyora's Tribulations
Thyora didn't worry too much about the bickering; it was normal now and she just decided that it was part of life and they'd eventually outgrow it...

by black_skull725


"...Strange to see someone like you here..."

by laurel146


The Official Neoquest II Survival Guide for Monsters
The first thing you'll need to do is to get some decent skills. First, you should probably invest in Critical Attacks.

by blahbletybleebloobla


Muffins vs. Cupcakes: THE SHOWDOWN
Most people don't think muffins and cupcakes hurt when they are thrown at you. But they do. Trust me, I know.

by purple_girl253


The Unexpected Guest
Owww... that's not good...

by drygani


Oh Fiddlesticks!
Don't leave the babies unattended...

by chuukii

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