Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 177,714,884 Issue: 360 | 19th day of Gathering, Y10
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New Series

Some Kind of Superstar: Part One

I've always wanted to be on Neovision. I want people to know my name. I want people to look at my face and instantly think, 'Kristen the Purple Shoyru.'

by icegirl_sara
Greatclaw: Part One

The Draik glanced around him. He turned his head towards the guards riding behind him. "We must hurry. We must get to Brightvale before the sun rises."

by kaylamdal111112
Falling Rain: Part One

High above this Citadel— his Citadel— General Kass was watching. The new moon had risen. And with it, a new dawn must always follow.

by mutedsanity
A House, A Home: Part One

"There's open space here, which is a lot more than you can say for Neopia Central. Come on! It's a whole new life – a splendid adventure story – four sisters moving to the moon!"

by saphira_27
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"Falling Rain" by mutedsanity
Kass made tick-marks in various places as the blade traced a path along the map of Meridell that only he seemed able to discern. A perfect birds-eye view, as he could see for himself now if he were to lean out his window. Which was not an action worth recommending. Floating high above it all, each modest dwelling and green patchwork of field looked as though he could crush them all under his thumb like insects. Precisely his intent. Where Darigan had lost, Kass would not. Could not. He was strong...

Other Stories


Apologies and Forgiveness
Jhudora sipped her tea and looked out of her window. It was storming outside, and dark, purple clouds filled the sky. Swirling, black mists tore up houses and knocked helpless Neopians and Faeries off of Faerieland.

by calman49


Instead of burning jealousy for what should have been hers, all Caylis feels now is a sort of pity.

by cats9723


Neopians for Darkness
All right, so maybe I'm exaggerating. Just a little bit, though! Nobody's that nice.

by pdonkeh


A Faerie Festival Day Lunch
In tribute to the Faerie Festival, I've put together some of my favourite Faerieland recipes to make one amazing Faerie luncheon!

by kwake_


The Latest NC Mall *cough* Fashion *cough* Item
Soon to be on sale!

by carrotopian


Talk About Random "Where is Zappz? Part 3"
Of course he's not here!

by buizelmaniac

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