Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 175,204,523 Issue: 365 | 24th day of Collecting, Y10
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New Series

Fools and Children: Part One

"GitchiManitou," began the Faerie Queen in his vision earlier that night, "You have been chosen..."

by mamasimios
Telzleh's Quest: Part One

What would a Mutant do to return to her old form? A mysterious amulet seemed to know how.

by outsyder
The Adventure of Rhun and Noni: Part One

"Yeah, a good case," said Mut, the blue. "Apparently not even the Defenders of Neopia would take it."

by jeanaet
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Dangerous Foods

You've all been told that donating any item you don't want to the Money Tree so that a poor Neopian can get it for free is a good deed. But that is not always so. They say that one pet's trash is another pet's treasure, but really, if an item makes the pet sick upon use, then it is no one's treasure. So here's what I'm saying: if you have a dangerous food item, then DO NOT donate it to the...

Other Stories


A Different Vision
I saw the world in four different colors, and only four different colors, which were red, orange, yellow, and purple.

by dragon_soarer12


The Second Brother
"Who are you?" Flame growled.

The figure stepped out from the shadows, his face hidden beneath the hood.

by yippo_yippee


Getting Started in the Excitement of Lab Rat Zapping
If you've ever wanted to dabble in the world of zapping lab rats but didn't know where to begin, then keep on reading!

by poissonneondn


Y25 - The Techo Era
No Meepits. No Dr. Sloth. But yet, a truly mortifying sight...

by hidden_0_o


Life of Kai #4
Kai is in SUCH trouble...

by katopia12


The Hero Society - #7
...In which we have something that looks suspiciously like filler.

by bearcatt

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