Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 177,767,807 Issue: 385 | 27th day of Running, Y11
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New Series

Outcast: The Tale of Rhoswen - Part One

His life had never been an easy one...

by ayame_23
Goldrun: A Petpet Rescue! - Part One

"Hold it right there, ya darn'd trespassers."

by tanyawebber
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10 Most Indigestible Foods

On our quest to find victuals that make foods classified as "gross" seem like Ambrosia, our eyes have watered, our stomachs have churned and fellow travellers have accused us of insanity after seeing our questionable food choices. It has all been worth it, though, as without further ado I can now present to you the Top 10 Most Indigestible Foods in Neopia. I strongly suggest you avoid...

Other Stories


Pancake Sunday
A nap could wait, for it was pancake Sunday.

by sinqua


Mr. Meepit and the Staff of Time
Mr. Meepit's invaded Neovision, Comics, and now... your stories!

by doody_duty


Why Our World Will Explode - Skarl's Throne
If architects are busy RSing Draik Eggs, it's no wonder our Castles are lopsided.

by miracletoast


Ten Questions We May Never Find the Answers To
What exactly are camouflage Ixi supposed to blend in to?

by silvernonsense


The Tooth Faerie's Secret
The tooth faerie arrives for your lost tooth...

by stargirl5357


When A Ghostkerchief Hugs A Jealous Petpet's Owner..
Hehe, I quite assume this will happen when a ghostkerchief hugs a pet with a petpet. LOL

by kenaji06

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